Chapter 5

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"it's all only mine Potter"


The second James opened his eyes he realized it was a dream and he was on the floor due to it.

"Are you okay prongs?"

To which James head snapped up to look at Remus who was standing infront of him trying to hold up his laughter seeing James current state.

'it's all only mine Potter' reappeared in his mind again. To which James eyes widened even more than it already has and felt his cheeks heated up. As he gulped "Yea- yeah I'm oka- okay moony, just a dream that's all"

"Nightmares?" questioned Remus. "No moony, I don't think it's a nightmare if I liked it" said James saying the last part to himself but head palmed himself when he realized he said that out aloud from Remus quiet chuckle. James was so sure his face is as red as Lily's hair which clearly could be seen even when he has a tanned skin and was silently thanking for the remaining darkness in the room since it's still early in the morning.

"Prongs...." dragged Remus after being silence for few minutes. "Really moony ermm it's nothing" shrugged off James with a laugh.

"Have you found someone?" asked Remus bluntly folding his arms ignoring James.

"Wha-" "You found someone you like didn't you?" asked Remus smirking. James started blushing which now could be noticeable because the room was starting to brighten up and he didn't even know why he was.

"What NO! moony I haven't and why would you think like that?!" James practically whisper yelled at Remus since he doesn't want Sirius or Peter to hear it or they would not let it die until they know who it is, 'but there was no who or is there?' thought James but was brought back to reality by Remus laughing.

"What why are you laughing!" asked James now frustrated but embarrassed like he's been caught from doing something secret.

"Well, daydreaming at the hall looking across the hall and constantly zoning out in spaces in classes, smiling while blushing hard thinking of something or someone per say and falling of the bed from a dream you liked makes me think or obviously shows that you have a crush on or really like like that someone prongs" said Remus while shooting James his famous 'all knowing look'.

"Ho- how can I have a cru- crush or rea- really like like that person moony... when that someone who's in my mind is Re- Regulus Black! And he's my best mates brother! And plus- plus I'm straight moony! I- I think..." blurted out James, now standing up realising that all he's been doing was thinking about the younger black and blushing constantly which he just got to know only because of Remus. Not noticing Remus who's eyes are as big as saucers.

"Shit!" said James when he realized what he just said and look towards Remus with a scared expression.

"Prongs-" but James cut him of "No moony please please don't let Sirius know, oh god I just ruined all of our friendship, please Remus I- I will stop doing whatever this is and I don't even know what am I doing or what am I, whatever you just said shows that I clearly like someone but I shouldn't! not when ughh I- I should not be thinking about him not only he's Regulus but also my best mates brother! and whatever you said just now clearly proves me that I don't even know or understand myself and my feelings and and that's- I totally understand if you don't want to be my friend any-"

"Jesus James stop now if you really intend to keep this away from Sirius! You might wake him and wormy up if you keep on rambling this loud!" Remus whispered yelled covering his mouth by his hand making James realize he has been shouting a little to loud than needed.

James nodded signing Remus he has calm down and Remus removed his hand from his mouth.

Remus sigh before "look Prongs" grabbing James full attention before he drift into another deep thoughts like he has been doing this pass few days. "What makes you think I wouldn't want to be your friend anymore based on something you clearly haven't figured out and I'm being completely honest right now prongs I don't mind you liking anyone from any gender in general okay? And this is not my story to tell Sirius okay? So I won't be talking a word about this to him until you yourself are ready to tell and share this with him" said Remus calmly.

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