Chapter 27

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Regulus Arcturus Black,

The dark lord has ordered you to be prepared to be summoned anytime now, and I will be expecting you to do as how I say in the previous letter since you would not need repeating like your blood traitor of a brother. Not to waste your time trying to do otherwise or you know the consequences of it Regulus,

Toujours Pur.
                                               Walburga Black

Regulus sighed and scrunched the letter into a ball and throw it into a corner of the room. He will not always do it, no matter how bad or good the news in the letters he received previously is, he would always keep them as if it was never touched before. But now he seems like it was pointless. Whatever hope was in him starting to fade away

'What did I even hope for?' he thought before getting up from his bed to go for breakfast and noticed that Barty wasn't up yet. Suddenly Regulus smiled at the state Barty was sleeping, he was sleeping so peacefully despite the fact that his head was hanging down out of his bed and had his arms and legs spread like a carefree child. Regulus looked at the time that shows that it is a little to early to have breakfast and it is also too early to wake Barty up

'I can save you some breakfast Bart and let you sleep a little more but I don't want to be that kind of kind hearted friend to you' Regulus smirked and decided that he just wants to torture Barty as much as Barty does to Regulus and with that he pulled out his wand and casted a stinging spell towards Barty who is currently smiling in his sleep

When the spell hit Barty, the smile he had on his face slowly faded into discomfort, he opened his eyes processing what he was feeling and his eyes started searching around the room before landing on Regulus

Finally he processed what actually happened and started to yell loudly "OUCH! OUCH- UGH FOR FUCKS SAKE BLACK! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?! EARLY IN THE MORNING!"

Regulus just stood there with a satisfying smirk plastered on his face and just shrugged it off like it was nothing, earning a very much anger mixed with disbelief look from Barty

"I just can't stand seeing you being so peaceful in your sleep Crouch" Regulus said so innocently with a pitiful face which fumed Barty even more that he smiled so tightly looking around to find his wand and Regulus take that as a cue to leave without getting hexed back

He walked faster towards the door to leave but he managed to say something before leaving Barty in his angry state alone

"I'll try saving you at least a cup of pumpkin juice Bart!" He joked 

"Try not to be seen by me today Regulus!" Barty shouted 

Regulus just laughed knowing that waking Barty up earlier than his usual timing is already considered bad enough but waking him up with a hex is too bad but 'that's what friends are for right?' he thought and had a very pleased look on his face while making his way to the great hall, where the students who passed by him were slightly worried and even scared to see him with some expression on his face but he chose to ignore it fully.

"Um is it just me or Crouch seems to be looking towards us since the just now?" Peter questioned while eating his pie. Remus raised an eyebrow giving Peter 'you sure about that?' look before turning around casually to have a look too

To his surprise, Barty was indeed looking towards them intensely but his gaze was fixed at one point without wavering a little

'Is he zoning off or.....' he thought while following his intense gaze which leads to either the back of Sirius' head or James' face

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