Chapter 31

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Regulus woke up in the middle of the night while yawning before realising where he was and when he looked around he noticed that he just slept off on top of James the whole time

"Shit!" He cursed and tried to get up but as usual he gave up halfway because James was literally holding onto him too tightly




He whisper yelled but that didn't wake James up. He then huffed and looked at James' sleeping face. He smiled softly at how peaceful James looks like when he was sleeping. Before he knows Regulus was already admiring James' features and started smiling to himself

But when the time goes by, Regulus' soft pretty smile turned into a devilish smirk in seconds

"Oh do you know how inviting you look like right now Potter?" Regulus questioned while stopping midway

"So inviting that I want to actually do things to you" he continued

"But it's a shame I won't be able to do what I'm thinking because....." he paused and continued " can't even pretend that you are asleep"

"I am asleep! What are you even talking about?!" James said opening his eyes before realising he literally fell into the trap when Regulus was smirking at him

"How did you know I wasn't asleep?" He asked feeling embarrassed

"Your smile" Regulus said while giving him an obvious look

"I did not smile! My lips just betrayed me" James said with a pout remembering how his lips form a smile when he was aware that Regulus' eyes were on him

"You can deal with that betrayal later but now let go of me Potter"

"No!" James said while holding onto Regulus even tighter

"Potter.... Let go of me"

"If I do you'll leave"

"I do have to leave now don't I?" Regulus questioned




"I have to go now"

"You gonna leave me"

"I can't just stay here Potter, it's risky!" Regulus said as it was so obvious

"You can but you don't want to" James sounded like he was sulking

"Potter...." Regulus dragged but decided to stop and they fell into silence once again not speaking with eachother for a moment

"Fine" James said out of nowhere and Regulus was genuinely confused at that

"Fine, I'll let go of you"

"Nice, let me go then" Regulus said

"Uh Uh it's not that easy baby black" James said with a sly smile forming on his lips

"What do you want Potter?" Regulus raised an eyebrow

"Well it's actually pretty simple"

"You just said it wasn't easy"

"That's different" James said and Regulus groaned

"Come to the point Potter"

"Tell me what are the things you say you would do to me when I was asleep" James said with a smirk and Regulus was totally dumbfounded by that

"What the hell Potter?!"

"Tell me and I'll let go of you"

"Are you a child?"

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