Chapter 22

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"Everyone's gonna hate me now, it's not like they didn't before but it will get worse right" Regulus said looking at his best friend with tear stains on his cheeks.

"They never hated you Regulus, and if they did, then they don't know the real you" Barty sounded like he was trying to comfort but couldn't

"That sounds so cringe you know that, when you say it" Regulus huffed a laughter and sniffed while wiping his face again with his sleeves

"I know right! I feel disgusted to even try that but hey! You should appreciate it!" He said looking offended.

Regulus just looked at his best friend and shook his head smiling a little

"I feel better after letting Siri know about this" Regulus said slowly after a minute of silence

"I know" was all Barty said before bringing Regulus into a hug knowing that Regulus was going to cry as he already loses all his body composure

"I disappointed him didn't I? I couldn't even do anything right Bart!" Regulus voice started to raise "I was never a good brother to him! I saw him getting hit by many curses! I saw him begged! I saw him cry! And I did nothing than just stand there, silently begging to my mother to let go of him! I avoided him mostly once he ran away! Which might have hurt him even more! I didn't tell him I like James! And now! I am getting the mark! The dark mark! I was nothing! I have been nothing! Nothing! But a disappointment to him! I am still!"

"Shhh are you gonna let the whole wizarding world know about this matter!" Barty whispered while hugging him tightly. He slowly reached one of his hands to take his wand and whispered a silencing charm in their dorm room

"I am nothing but a disappointment Barty" Regulus said again this time slowly and Barty winced at this because he felt the pain through his voice

"No you are not"

"Yes I am"

"You are not a disappointment Regulus Black" Barty said sternly before releasing Regulus from the hug and looked at him sharply

"You are not a disappointment, you hear that? You are not! And I'm sure as hell know that Sirius never once would even consider you as a disappointment in his life and never will!" Barty said straight to Regulus face sternly

"If I know Sirius better, he now would be brainstorming his head to get you out of the shitty house of yours and how to save you from getting the mark" he continued

"He can't save me Bart, and I will not allow myself to be saved either. I have no choice" Regulus said and bite his inner lips

"What do you mean-" Barty was cut off by Regulus "and I'm sure he hates me now and even more after I get the mark" Regulus said quickly

"No he won't!" Barty said forgetting what he was about to ask

"He did when I was sorted in the Slytherins" Regulus said

"Well he was mad at your mother for it not you!"

"He left the house because he doesn't like me, don't you get it? If he did not hate me he would have stayed or brought me with him. He chose James over me" Regulus continued while wiping his tears

"Since when were you stupid?" Barty questioned and Regulus looked at him confusedly with his eyes all red due to the crying

"He left because he couldn't take it anymore, you were the one who said that to me remember? He went to James because he was the safe place to him at that time and you know it! In fact you were relieved he had James. You knew what happened that night, and if he have brought you together things would have changed drastically! And I'm fucking sure that he had the thought to bring you too but couldn't!"

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