Chapter 37

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"Wake the hell up everyone!" Remus was yelling at everyone for more than ten minutes. He was mad, really mad since the moment he got ready, because none of the other marauders were waking up and all that could be heard was their mumblings against their pillows for so long

It was so obvious everyone slept very late yesterday and having a hard time to wake up even James who usually will be up early is not. When Remus returned back to their dorm once sending Narcissa off, none of them was there. Remus knows where James was but Sirius was also not there and what's more shocking to Remus was Peter out of all of them was missing

But he chose to investigate everything in the morning because he needed rest. All of the sudden he was tired, he was very tired mentally and physically, and it was getting even more worse when he was emotionally very unstable because of the things that had happened recently

It was pretty much very exhausting for him since the full moon is nearing and this time his senses are getting more stronger than before which seems to be using up all of his energy more than the previous ones. He then just laid on his bed while thinking of where they could have been before drifting into his sleep which leads to today's morning chaos

"You guys are really testing my patience right now!" Remus said angrily, he himself was unable to control his anger while carrying his bag

"WAKE UP!" Remus yelled loudly just to get shock himself at how loud his voice was

But the yelling finally caused Peter to roll off his bed and fall down while looking at Remus in a horrified manner. James woke up as if he was caught doing something very illegal and stood still, and there's Sirius who was sitting on his bed still like a statue blinking cluelessly. Everyone single one of them was utterly shocked at how Remus' voice sounded and got really scared looking at how Remus was staring at them darkly

"I don't know where all of you went yesterday, no not you Potter" Remus stared at James who wanted to say something "but all of you just have ten minutes to get ready and be at the great hall for breakfast with a very valid reason as to why none of you all weren't in our dorm last night, in just 10 minutes" Remus said in a calm tone but with a stern stare on his face before walking away angrily

All the other three of them exhaled the breaths that they were holding in once Remus left, and looked at eachother suspiciously

"It's that time of the month isn't it?" Peter asked just to make sure to which James and Sirius nodded

"He looks way more paler than the last time" Peter said worriedly and the others frowned

"We should really be with him all the time since it's getting worst" James said and all of them nodded in agreement before Sirius looked at him in suspicion

"Yeah we should be with him but where were you yesterday Prongs? Weren't you with him last night?" Sirius asked raising an eyebrow at James

"Where were you Pads? Weren't you supposed to go back to our dorm last night?" James shot back with a question



"Wait a minute" both James and Sirius said before turning towards Peter who was trying to get away from them with a towel in his hand

"Where were you wormtail?" Both of them asked which made Peter halt his steps and turned towards them with an innocent look on his face

"I......" He dragged

"You?" Sirius raised an eyebrow again suspiciously

"This is not very important now"

"It is wormtail" James said and shot him a 'tell us or... there's no or' kinda look

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