Chapter 19

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James jolted awake and looked around him in daze. All the memories from last night hits him like a train. He felt a tight pain in his chest but at the same time felt his cheeks grow hot. He felt both pain and excitement at the same time.

He looked around and saw Sirius' bed was empty, Remus and Peter wasn't there either. He assumed they already went to have breakfast.

He looked back towards Sirius' bed and sighed "I'm sorry pads...." before going to the bathroom.

Once he was ready, he walked painfully slow to the great hall. On his way there, many others greeted him and waved at him to which James was unable to response to it like he usually does, instead he shot them a small smile and speed up his pace not wanting any other encounters for the morning.

He walked through the great hall entrance not looking anywhere but put his head down and walked towards the Gryfinddors' table and sat on his usual spot, which he hoped it was it because he never raised his head up.

"Good morning Prongs" Peter said stuffing a small piece of pie in his mouth while nodding at him.

That's when James raised his head and saw Peter was sitting opposite of him with Remus on his side giving him a nod with an eyebrow raised before drinking his pumpkin juice.

"Morning fellow crackheads" Lily said while sitting next to Remus with a book in her hands.

"Morning Lily" both James and Peter said looking at her one gloomy and one all happy.

"Morning Lils" Remus said rolling his eyes.

"Morning to you to ingenious the second maybe" Sirius said raising his pumpkin juice cup to her.

James stiffened at Sirius' voice. He stopped breathing for a second. He then only noticed that he was beside Sirius the whole time. He practically wished he could disappear in thin air but knows that was impossible.

Lily noticed this "and why am I the second and what's with the maybe?" she gasped distracting everyone. Everyone there knows Lily wasn't the one to bother about a little comment like that and was doing it for distraction and well, they thanked her silently.

"Because moony is the first one" Sirius claimed.

"Oh is he now?" Lily said looking annoyed

"Oh am I?" Remus asked boredly

"Well yeah, if not to anyone then for me you are the first one who's smart and clever. Evans should be the second or third or even fourth, cause there will be some tough competitors" Sirius said calmly.

"Oh yeah? And who might the tough competitors be?"

"I feel the rage Evans calm down" Sirius laughed freely. James all this long never look at Sirius but was happy he was laughing.

"No change of topic allowed Black, who might be the so-called tough competitors for me? I bet I can even beat Remus at that!" Lily said now really felt challenged

"Hey! No one can out do my moony!" James couldn't help but to laugh silently at that, praying Sirius wouldn't notice that so the attention will be off him.

Lily folded her arms and had a smug look on her face, and Remus and the others couldn't help but laugh.

Lily looked offended by that and wanted to say something but Sirius was fast "well, you could try to out do my cousin and my little brother. Try" Sirius said smirking widely.

Lily face begins to get rosy at what Sirius mentioned.

"And which cousin might that be?"

"Cissa of course, Bella is out of her sanity and never have used her brain if you ask me, plus Andy is much older than us for you to out do her" Sirius stated. Everyone else including James looked at Sirius and Lily back and forth in shock.

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