Chapter 32

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"Regulus Black"

"Hmm?" Regulus hummed without bothering to turn around from the mirror he had in his hand

"I know it's special but isn't this too much?" Barty questioned standing infront of Regulus with his arms folded


"Admiring your love bite in the middle of the night with the lights on?!" Barty asked bluntly which embarrassed Regulus

"What do you mean? The lights are off" Regulus defended himself but Barty just looked at him and his wand back and forth few times which made Regulus to just roll his eyes in annoyance

"Nox" Regulus finally said and the room went dark before Barty casted a spell to turn on the lights. Regulus was looking at Barty without any expression while Barty was just looking at him fully judging him

"What?" Regulus asked

"I know you want to admire it as long as you can before it starts disappearing but please stop acting like a ghost, you've been giving me mini heart attacks recently" Barty said

"Hey! No! What are you even talking about, I'm just worried it won't go away" Regulus sounded offended but his hand never stopped caressing the spot where his hickey from James was while his lips form a soft smile

"It will disappear in two days" Barty said and smirked when he saw Regulus' faint smile faded just like that which was now replaced with a frown

"Awww nothing to be sad for Regulus, you can still ask your boyfriend to give you some more. I'm pretty sure he'll be happy to give you some. Maybe with something else too" Barty teased Regulus just to get a hex from him in return

"Ouch! What the hell Regulus?!" He exclaimed

"That's what you get when you spout nonsense"

"What nonsense?! I spoke the truth!"

"Boyfriend part was not true"

"Oh so the rest was true then?" Barty asked bluntly again and watches Regulus getting flustered slowly at that but he was still able to be in his composed manner

"Maybe yes" Regulus said looking down which left Barty's jaws drop to the floor with his answer

After few seconds of silence which was very unusual if Barty was there, Regulus looked back up just to see Barty had his wand pointed at him with a suspicious but very confused expression

"What Bart?" Regulus asked totally being unbothered on Barty's action

"Are you Regulus Black?"

"What the hell Barty?!"

"What? You can't blame me for being cautious when you slightly agreed on what I said which you usually don't when it's about Potter!" Barty exclaimed

"Are you being for real now?" Regulus asked slightly annoyed

"Answer me!"


"Are you really Regulus Black?" Barty asked seriously


"No, answer me!"

"For god's sake yes!" Regulus said in frustration

"Okay nice" Barty said while lowering down his wand satisfied with the answer

"That's it? That's all it takes?" Regulus asked in disbelief

"Yeah" Barty nodded

"You suck at this" Regulus laughed

"Hey! I know it's you okay, I was just trying to make sure" Barty got offended

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