Chapter 9

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It was a nice weather.

Nice indeed for the quidditch practice. Well that's what Regulus thought before he arrives at the pitch.

'you've got to be kidding me!' he thought when he saw his opponent team, Gryfinddor to be specific was using the pitch and his Slytherin team was looking frustrated. 'Can't I just practice peacefully! There's definitely going to be a fight!' he groaned mentally and went to his team members.

"I suggest we should just barg in and hex their ass out" Hestia Jones said clearly mad.

"No, it's not a good idea. It would show that we are simply seeking for trouble" Emma Vanity said as a matter of fact.

"Then what do you think we should do captain? Go back?!" Evan Rosier said loudly losing his temper.

"Calm down will you?" Caius Avery said clearly annoyed. "Yeah calm down when you pitch is taken by your opponents" teased Barty Crouch with the same annoyed expression.

"We can just talk them out" Narcissa said as it was simple.

"Well hope it will be civil" Regulus said rolling his eyes.

"Well since everyone is here, I will just go talk to them now then" Emma Vanity said straightening up a little "I'm coming" said Regulus following her.

"It's going to be a long tiring day arguing" Regulus mumbled "oh come on Black cheer up" Emma said laughing while patting his shoulder.

Regulus just rolled his eyes and shook his head slightly.

They reached the other team and then Emma started calling "Hye! Potter, isn't your team pitch time is done? It's our time to get the pitch for the day" Emma said in a friendly manner raising an eyebrow.

'Shit' realization then hits Regulus that James was the Gryfinddor's quidditch team captain. 'You could have just stayed where you were Regulus! You volunteered yourself dumb idiot! Now you have to see him after days!' Regulus thought while frowning. He has been out of James sight or avoiding him for two weeks straight or more since the incident in the corridor and seeing the sly smirk Narcissa gave him after she returned from her detention with James.

"You've found yourself a big baby reggy! He's just so cute!" Narcissa said smiling sincerely. "Who exactly are you talking about?" Regulus acted dumb but clearly his cheeks were heating up at the mention of James even when she haven't said his name. "Oh don't give me that shit Reggy, your James of course" she said ending it sweetly at the mention of James.

"And for your information Cissy, I didn't find myself anyone nor a big baby like him, and he's not mine!" Regulus acted sounding annoyed. "Oh you are right, you just haven't make him yours yet, I like it when you don't claim something or someone as yours before you have it" Narcissa smirked sitting on his bed.

"Oh come on Cissy! It's not like that, it won't be like that and you know it!" Regulus clearly starting to get a little mad not on Narcissa but on himself. How could he allow himself to go like someone he couldn't have even if he tried to and just leading himself to a big heartbreak. Regulus knows he couldn't have James to be his or him to be James. And he is just waiting for his fantasies being with James who would like him back crumble infront of him when Lily Evans accepted James proposal to go on a date.

"Trust me Regulus, sometimes you should just believe in something to make it happen, don't just lose hope without even trying" Narcissa said smiling softly.

"No Cissy-"

"Hello there!" James voice brought Regulus from his thoughts and made him snap his head up, just to get caught by the piercing hazel eyes which was staring directly into his grey ones.

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