Chapter 33

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"Come on moony, let me just use the map! I just want to see where's Regulus at!" James started whining early in the morning where Remus just rolled his eyes at him while arranging his books in his bag and James ended up just watching him in disbelief at how Remus was ignoring him since the moment he got ready

"Moony!" James called again but Remus just hanged his bag on his shoulder and started walking off

"Oh come on man!" James whined

"As much as he would be really happy to see you prongs, he needs rest and some mental peace after what happened yesterday and you have to keep your words, so no prongs, the map is gonna be with me for the rest of the week" Remus gave James a stern look

"But moony-"

"Nope" Remus cut him off and just walked out of their dorm

"Ugh!" James groaned and let his body fall on the floor, slowly yesterday's memories started slipping in

"Not even Skeeter?" James heard Regulus asking Bellatrix

"Skeeter? As in Rita Skeeter?!" James asked in disbelief

"Shut it prongs! Are you gonna get cursed again?!" Remus whisper yelled at James. They weren't even supposed to be here, not in the Slytherin's tower, not in Regulus' and Barty's dorm at this hour and what more when Bellatrix was here "pretty much sure you won't get cursed alone this time"

"What?! they can't even see us! It's their fault to have kept their doors open earlier!"

"You make me stand here for hours just to make sure Regulus is safe! In the fucking closet prongs! And it's crouch's closet!" Remus said in annoyance

"I did not call you! You willingly followed me! since you can't trust Regulus to me because he might be the one who ends up looking after me!" James protests

"Obviously!" Remus stated while rolling his eyes

"Well to be fair! You didn't waste your time that much, you got your book with you!" James said as if that was enough for him to get away while pointing his lighted wand towards Remus' book and Remus just scoffed in disbelief at this

"No shit Potter, we were supposed to get out earlier than this! but we couldn't. Why? because your little boy decided he's gonna be admiring your love mark all night long, his best friend decided to tease him about it and his insane cousin was here since who knows when. Who knows who else is here! And I don't get paid enough for this" Remus said all together and James got flustered at that, that he just gulped and scratch his head not knowing what to say anymore

"That's what I thought" Remus said

"At least we wouldn't get caught because of the invisible cloak" James whispered and Remus just looked at him before turning away

"But why are they quiet?" James asked and Remus shook his head indicating he don't know

"It's awfully quiet now" Remus whispered before hearing Regulus speak again

"What? Someone got your tongue Bella? Or Ske-" Regulus was cut off with a stinging hex from Bellatrix who was staring at him darkly where he just hissed a little before laughing

"Did I hit too close to home Bella?" Regulus asked now slightly smirking

"Shut up Regulus" Bellatrix said

"I'll take that as a yes then" Regulus took a step closer while Barty took a step closer to Regulus as well "What the actual fuck are you doing Regulus? Do you want us to die?" He whispered and then gulped when he saw Bellatrix's face got paler as seconds pass by 'Yeap we are gonna get killed today' he thought and stood still. The whole room was filled with an unusual coldness and unbearably quiet that any slight noise can be heard cristal clear

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