Chapter 39

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"Bellatrix" A voice called out in a demanding manner

Bellatrix who was calmly sitting with her legs crossed rolled her eyes at the voice of her husband. She looked at him in disinterest when he entered their living room as if he was the only one who's worthy of her presence

"Yes Lestrange?" Bellatrix asked indifferently and paid more attention to her wand instead

"Are you really gonna stick with calling me by my last name for now?" Rodolphus Lestrange asked slightly irritated by that and how she was not looking at him at all while twirling her wand

"Oh for now? no of course not" Bellatrix said with a smile and Rodolphus looked at her with his eyes softening a little thinking she was trying to change upon hearing that but to his disappointment she suddenly shot him a sharp stare before continuing "because I was planning to make it forever actually" and with that rodolphus' growing smile became a sneer and his anger started to rise once again

"I gave you time! I gave you all the time you needed to accept the marriage between us! To accept me!" Rodolphus started to talk out of nowhere after awhile of staring at Bellatrix with full of rage where she didn't even bother to react to it

"A forced one" Bellatrix sneered back and got up folding her arms while looking at him but he chose to ignore her comment and just continued with what he was saying eventhough he was slightly getting intimidated by her

"I never laid my hands on you for two years in order to give you time but what did I get in return? Nothing! Those two years wasn't enough for you to accept me?! I thought you were getting used to it when you were suddenly being so nice and not walk away from me when I got close to you anymore. But when I asked you about why are we not sleeping together yet if it's getting better, you just apparated from there! without a single word leaving me all alone! Who do you take me as?!"

"You are such a gentleman" Bellatrix whispered while her face softening a little before it became stoned "Don't give me that bullshit Lestrange, never touching me doesn't stop you from sleeping around" Bellatrix said while her eyes darkened. She wasn't the one to care about her husband sleeping around with alot of women, she was pretty much very pleased that he was not depending on her to give in and fulfil his desires

But that didn't last so long because Druella Black invited them to a family dinner one day. Bellatrix couldn't mess things up or afford her husband suddenly exposing their marriage situation to her parents because it will cause trouble to someone. So she had to act like she was accepting her fate around her husband by not reacting much when he tries to touch her or be close to her

This sole act was enough to manipulate him into thinking she was slowly going to follow his way and give in and just because of this during the family dinner he actually played his best role as her husband and convinced her parents they were doing very fine and lovely

When it was over rodolphus set a date for them to go on a dinner date that she had no interest in but Bellatrix had to oblige to it since he did technically save them both from her mother's wrath

But to her luck he was really having the hope on her to change her mind for him and that pissed her off so much that she just apparates to hogwarts that night to calm her senses down that very much wanted to kill him right there and then

"I had to handle my needs on my own since my wife isn't fulfilling her duties!" Rodolphus defended himself by blaming her and that brought Bellatrix from her thoughts and she mentally gagged at the word 'wife' while shooting him a disgusting look

"I can fullfil my duties if you are okay with doing me one favour" Bellatrix offered her mood suddenly brightened and Rodolphus' eyes widen before he started smiling

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