Chapter 24

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"Potter" Regulus said in a very hushed tone

"Not Potter anymore to you Reg, it never was Potter" James huffed a little laughter shaking his head before looking sharply back at Regulus

Regulus felt his whole lower body go numb and all the blood was circulating from his neck to his head only. He felt his face was becoming hot and he couldn't think of anything else than paying more attention to James' facial features.

James' eyebrows was thick that it matches his hazel eyes. His eyelashes are long but not as long as his but still long which made his already pretty eyes even more prettier when he was this close.

'His glasses is not showing that trade of his eyes to everyone why should they see this tho, but the glasses still has it's own way of doing it's justice for his eyes. ' Regulus thought and looked lower

His nose is not too sharp but it suits his face with his sharp but not so defined cheekbones and jawline. His tanned skin was glowing softly in the cold weather.

Regulus gaze then drift further below and landed on James' lips. Regulus breath hitched when he saw James lips wearing that innocent smile like it was never been touched before. Without Regulus realizing, his heartbeat started beating faster and faster when he remembered how James' lips felt when he was kissing them. The thought of both of them kissing that night was still crystal clear in his mind. Regulus might be lying if he ever says he doesn't remember the details.

While thinking of the kiss, he can feel his cheeks started burning even more and the cold breeze around them constantly reminding Regulus that his face was hot.

Regulus didn't do anything or look away from James lips for awhile, he was in a daze. Which James himself noticed from the beginning and started smirking slyly.

That brought Regulus back to his sense and he blinked once before looking back into James eyes.

James raised his eyebrows and stared lovingly into Regulus' grey eyes

"Don't look at me like that" Regulus said after who knows how long they were staring into eachother eyes

"Why not baby black?" James asked teasingly still squatting and started to feel his legs going numb but he didn't mind it for now

"What are you doing here? Have no other better works to do?" Regulus asked totally avoiding James' previous question

"Well what other better works can I do other than seeing someone I like" James said making Regulus even more flustered than he already is

"Don't talk nonsense Potter"

"No more Potter, Regulus" James said in a calmly lower voice that even sent chills down Regulus spine. Regulus didn't say anything but looked away still in the flustered state not being able to regain his neutral state

"You know it's a crime to look like this Reg" James said softly

Regulus got even more redder if it's possible. James looked at Regulus fondly. He was not too close but close enough to Regulus that he started noticing Regulus' soft freckles that was unnoticeable if you see it in a normal distance. Him blushing somehow made his freckles more prominent on his cheeks which made Regulus to look even more enchanting.

James was kinda happy that no one else will be able to see Regulus like this, he has the confidence or more of a believe or he knows that Regulus would never in once show this side of him to anyone but him. Regulus is someone who always will not let his mask fall or let his emotions slip no matter what happens

To be honest, even James wouldn't be able to see Regulus like this even if he caught him off guard, but now Regulus is just not putting his tough emotionless facades infront of him. The thought of Regulus isn't trying to hide this side of him from James made his heart warm and a small smile started showing again on James' face

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