Chapter 41

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"Wormy?" James called slowly when he entered the common room looking all messed up but in a good type of way messed up

"Prongs? Hye" Peter shot him a knowing smile and waved at him to sit with him near the fireplace. James just shot him a wide smile before joining him on the floor while sighing

"Had a great evening then?" Peter asked teasingly while eyeing him up and down to which James gave him his known sheepish smile and nodded quickly earning a chuckle from Peter in return

"Why are you here tho? Didn't you say you might sleep early today?"

"I don't think I can sleep early until moony and pads gets their shits together" Peter groaned and lied on the floor like he's so done with everything that's going around him, leading James to just frown in confusion

"What do you mean wormy?"

"Well, after we split ways from the hall just now, Remus felt like walking more before going to the dorm, at first I told him no because he seemed even more tired than before but he was so stubborn about it. So we decided to take a long walk back to our dorm instead of just wandering around. Guess it was not an ideal decision to make either"

"What happened?" James frowned, he didn't like the way Peter sounded

"We bumped into Sirius and Marlene together, alone" Peter voice begin to strain

"Oh" James sounded realising the situation

"Yeah, It looked like she was a little depressed or something and pads was trying to console her? I don't know" Peter continued and the frown was growing on his face as if he was thinking about the incident

"And?" James questioned knowing something huge must have happened instead of them just coincidentally bumping into each other

"He was actually hugging her in order to calm her down…." Peter started hesitantly before continuing "Moony got a little tensed tho, he looked like he became even more sicker at the sight but he didn't actually react to it much, at least not on the outside. I tried to talk him out by taking the other route but before we could make up our mind to change the path Sirius caught us, Prongs" Peter said and looked at James as if he was very conflicted with that and to even continue the whole story

"What happened after that wormy?" James asked impatiently

"Well..... It wasn't that bad in the beginning until....".

"Moony, wormy! What are you guys doing here?" Sirius asked, startled a little pulling away even more from Marlene who looked a little shocked at their sudden presence as well

"We were just walking around pads" Peter answered with a smile trying not to be very awkward than it already is, while Remus just kept on looking at them skeptically before saying "didn't mean to bother whatever was going on, I just wanted to take a walk”

"You guys weren't bothering us" Marlene said waving her hand at them in a denying manner

"Glad" Remus replied shortly

"Were you guys enjoying the walk then?" She questioned, all her sad expression was replaced with a curious look

"Kinda until....." Remus dragged before stealing a glance at Sirius


"Until we saw yo-"

"Until we saw nothing!" Peter interrupted Remus nervously laughing, before shooting him a warning look knowing damn well what Remus was going to say to which Marlene widen her eyes a little confused before nodding while remus just rolled his eyes at Peter

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