Chapter 2

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"Regulus!" James exclaimed 'that was way too excited James' he thought, he was completely surprised by the younger black's presence

"Um Hi?" James said awkwardly

To which Regulus just continued looking at James in an unusual way. In James' perspective, usually the look he would be receiving from the younger boy was a very sharp stare which fully conveyed the message that he hated him just by looking at him but now the look on his face shows something else. Something that James can't quite understand but somehow low-key liked it without even knowing why

'You've got to be hallucinating James, Regulus Black would only look at you with complete hatred' James thought to himself but ended up speaking the last part out loud than intended

"And what makes you think that I would only look at you with hatred Potter?" Regulus asked snapping James out of his thoughts

'Shit' James thought

"Wha-, I'm sorry, I didn't catch what you were saying?" James pretended as he didn't hear that and felt slightly embarrassed

"I said what made you think I'm only looking at you with complete hatred Potter?" asked Regulus again patiently waiting for an answer

"Erm, um that-, that's because you erm well, you always look at me angrily like you want to kill me any moment now..." James said while stuttering slightly

"And what makes you think I'm angry Potter?" asked Regulus slightly annoyed

"Well, may- maybe you were thinking I int- intentionally took and separated Sirius from you that makes you want to seek revenge or some- something" James shuttered

"Did you?" asked Regulus


"Did you intentionally do it?" Regulus cut James off

"NO! In the name of Merlin no!" James practically shouted earning some stare from the students nearby them, followed by a warning look from Madam Pince

"I would never do that to anyone! what more to you Reg! That has never been or ever will be in my intentions, And I hope I could make you understand and know about that Reg" James said firmly but somewhat bitterly, he's hurt at the thought of Regulus thinking otherwise. And when he looks back up, he saw Regulus' face soften and was about to say something

"Regulus!" a voice called out from few racks away them. Which made both boys to turn their heads to see whom the voice belongs to earning some few weird looks again from the students and from Madam Pince

"Cissy" Regulus called

"For God's sake Reggy! Where have you been?! I've been looking for you all over the common room and I couldn't find you, so I came here next and as expected you are here...." Narcissa dragged when she finally realise James was there too. And suddenly she had a knowing smile across her face and her eyes seemed to have a glint of mischief

"Hello Potter" said Narcissa to which James nods with a smile

"Now I know why my little cousin seems to forget that he was supposed to meet me" she said while shooting a knowing look to Regulus with a little laugh before continuing

"But Potter, I really need Regulus now, so I'm going to have to steal him from your little morning date"

That comment absolutely made James eyes widened in confusion and could feel his cheeks getting flustered and Regulus was staring at Narcissa widely


"What? Oh come on Reggy I need your help urgently with you-know-what?! You could just reschedule your date!"

"I- I know, just- just wait for me outside okay? I'll be on my way" Regulus said while eyeing Narcissa from James to her which she took the hint and smiled

"Well, Potter I'll see you around then have a great day" she smiled and walked away

James was practically trying to hide his embarrassment of being assumed that he was on a date with Regulus Black but at the same time he was confused as to why Regulus looked as if he was just fine and did not even deny anything about the date

This did not go unnoticed by Regulus who thinks James was looking all cute when he's all flustered up and confused at the same time. Regulus is really trying his best not to cover James up to prevent others from looking at him or to just go and squish James' cheeks in the library which was currently full of students

"Well Potter, you should restrict yourself from looking that way" Regulus said

"Like what?" James asked

"Like this, all shy" Regulus said and before James could ask why he continued

"Because it could tempt someone to just take and hide you away, just to keep you all by themselves" Regulus smirked

"I- what are you saying? It sounds like even you are tempted too reg" James shot back, now smirking back regaining his steady composure

Regulus shot James a very impressed look and started to walk off but stopped midway and turned

"Why should I be tempt? When it's all caused by me and it's only mine Potter" Regulus smirks when he could see James flustered up all over again

"See you soon Jay" Regulus winked and walked away before James could say anything

James was too stunned to speak at the moment. His mind was already running wild from the word 'date' to Regulus not denying it which did him good enough to send his mind into chaos. And now he had to go on and add it up by saying something like that and the word 'Jay' kept on ringing in his mind continuously

'Damn I should not like it more than the way I should have' he thought

James hand slowly reached up to his cheeks to touch them and he realized that he could practically feel the heat from his cheeks without even touching them fully

He started smiling to himself before he remembered their previous conversation before Narcissa came. James then realized Regulus wasn't able reply to what James was saying since Narcissa chose to interrupt them at that particular moment and James felt a little bad that he didn't know what he wanted to say. And with that James continued writing an ending for his essay and started packing up with that unsettled thought of what Regulus wanted to say. And then suddenly, he noticed a small piece of parchment under the book he picked up earlier

He took and read it. He felt his head lighten from the thoughts and his heart flutters from the three words written in that parchment

I know.

'Thank you' James thought smiling.

Hye guys~
I just wanted to know if you guys liked the story till now.
I'm trying my best to make it interesting
And thank you for reading my fic.

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