Chapter 18

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"James! Are you al-" Remus paused the moment he set his eyes on James "-right.....?" he dragged while standing up, once he looked at James' and his state.

James looked messy, his tie is untied, shirt's undone, sleeves rolled up and his hair looked even more worst than his normal messy hair that looks like a bird nest. And his glasses were nearly about to fall.

That's was not odd at all since it's James Potter he was looking at but what is, is that he was out of breath like he was on the run which might be because of Filch but he looked all flustered, his cheeks were glowing indicating that he was practically blushing and his eyes were widen, plus that smile he couldn't even hide if he wants to.

"Moony!" He breathed and rested his hands on his knees "I'm al- alright" he said while trying to steady his breathing.

"You don't look like you are alright" Remus said raising an eyebrow while eyeing James up and down.

"I- um I- I am, just- just out of breath!" James shuttered which made Remus even more curious about this than before.

"Where have you been?" He questioned

"Flying!" James said quickly than intended.

'That was fast which explains the mess he is now' Remus thought "I assume you ran back here?" He asked again

"Yes... Nearly got caught by Filch nearby the pitch, I don't want another detention this week Moony!" James said while walking to the couch Remus was sitting before.

"That explains everything but not your blushing and everything else Prongs" Remus said bluntly, to which James choked on air and coughed.

"What the hell Moony?" He asked shocked.

Remus just eyed him up and down again before shrugging it off not wanting to ask anything about it, since James would let him know if he wants to. Plus he would have a whole day tomorrow to find out.

James on the other hand was opening and closing his mouth not knowing what to say to Remus.

Remus looked at James and laughed "you look so funny now Prongs" and James seemed offended at that "no I'm sure I look hot" he said looking at his body and turned to look away from Remus.

Remus just laughed a little and shook his head before calming down. He smiled genuinely and put a hand on James shoulder and asked "are you alright?"

James shakes his head softly and turned to look at Remus "no Moony, I'm even more messed up than my looks but don't worry I will be fine" he smiled and Remus just patted his shoulder and nodded.

"Come on the Prongs, it's late. Let's go to sleep we'll talk in the morning" Remus said standing up and offered his hand to James but James didn't take it.

"I- I think I'll umm just sleep here moony" he said hesitantly but Remus was not taking it. He literally pulled James by his arm with him and said "no shit Mr Potter, off to our dorm!"

"But pads..." He dragged, "everything is going to be fine prongs, as I said we'll talk in the morning, for now let's sleep" Remus said while dragging James upstairs together with him to their shared dorm.

Even James was protesting all the way, his blush never seem to go away but increased time by time like he's constantly reminded of something. Remus was determined to find out about that tomorrow itself and decided to let it go for now.

Regulus burst into his shared dorm with Barty and shut the door so fast that caused Barty to drop his bread that he secretly stocked just incase he was hungry.

He turned to shout "What the hell Regu-" he stopped midway and was shocked at Regulus who looked messy and out of breath with his face red as a tomato that seems to keep on growing even more if possible.

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