Chapter 14

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James was pacing back and forth in their dorm nonstop. 'Today's the day. It's today! Should have just kept my mouth shut that day. Well what am I supposed to do? I just want to- wanted to what?! I don't even remember it! ughh! Damn baby Black it's all your fault, well partially tho. I did it to myself! Should have betted on the last four games instead of first four games! Damn!' James was frustrated and nervous at the same time that his mind is also running wild and he already speeded up his pacing in the dorm too. He didn't notice the rest of the marauders entering the dorm and was looking at him.

"Wow Prongs! What's gotten you this anxious?" Peter asked concerned and it was followed by Sirius' bad timing jokes "Yeah Prongs what's the matter? Did Evans finally asked you on date that you can't believe it?" He laughed. James frozed on spot and didn't move.

Remus and Peter both was shocked and both each stepped on Sirius' legs once he said that earning two dramatic 'ouch' from Sirius.

"Shut it will you Sirius!" Remus said in a serious tone eyeing him at James standing in the middle of the dorm like a stoned statue.

"I-" Sirius gulped and cleared his throat.

"Yeah James, what's the matter?" Sirius asked now seriously concerned about his best friend. James didn't answer or move. It was like he was actually turned into a statue. Now this actually worried all of them alot.

James on the other hand was shocked by his own thoughts 'what if Regulus actually hates him that much and would actually tell everyone about what's going on with James? What if he actually admits he doesn't care about him infront of the students and the professors? What would he tell them? What would he tell Sirius? What would he explain to Sirius?!'. That's what gotten into his head and what made him froze on the spot was when Sirius spoke after Peter. 'I'm doomed' was all he thought before letting his mind to go blank.

"Prongs? Jamesie? Prongsie? James!" Sirius shook James by his shoulders to bring him out of his trance.

James blinked once and realized he actually zoned off after the violent shake. "I- Padfoot! What is it?" James exclaimed and nervously laughed while scratching the back of his head.

"Don't question me Prongs, what is it with you? You were standing like a freaking statue just a moment ago without any emotions or movement! You were never like that... What's bothering you Prongs?" Sirius asked so worriedly and scared at the same time because he never seen James like that before.

"It's nothing pads..." James replied

"Don't nothing me Prongs" Sirius said sternly. After one minute of silence, James sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose after pushing his glasses back to it's spot "it's just the game okay? The match... I really don't want to lose it, okay...." He said slowly and lowered his head.

"Of course we won't Prongs! We will beat the Slytherins for sure! It's not something that you need to be or get worried about" Sirius said after a slight pause, now he was even more worried. James Potter one of the most talented Quidditch player, the one who loves Quidditch who doesn't even bother about winning or losing as long as they give their best in each and every match they played, is now worried about losing this match.

And now he figured out that James was under some crisis but he didn't know what it was but he will find out soon. For now he wants to make sure his best friend can feel better. No matter what the issue was, he wasn't going to let it make James be like this again.

James looked at Sirius and he felt a new confident grow in him. They are going to win this, he will win this, no matter how low the possibilities are, the confidence Sirius gave him was enough for him to hold on a little more.

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