Chapter 15

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Regulus stopped once again at the black lake but this time together with James. When he turned to look at James he was shocked and almost burst out of laughter looking at James traumatizing expression written all over his face.

"What Potter?" He asked trying his best not to laugh.

"Did you really cast a spell? Am I going to die?!" James asked genuinely scared. To say Regulus was trying hard to not laugh just now, he was trying even harder not to now. He got an idea to play James off this time.

"Well? Why would you die? It's not like you told anyone" He pried even though he knows the truth.

"So it's true then?!! Oh god! I will die! I told Moony and Lily about this! But I didn't actually tell them myself it was like they forced it out of me! Did you set a timing for the spell to poison me? Do you have any idea when it would happen? Will it hurt? I- I haven't see mom and dad yet! I-" James was panicking now and Regulus truly felt he might have a panic attack so he cut him off.

"Are you seriously dumb Potter? If I did cast a spell you would have died long ago" he said trying to look annoyed.

"So you didn't?" James asked visibly calming down.

"No! For god's sake! I just made that up to get away from Sirius" Regulus exasperated.


Regulus just rolled his eyes at James response and stood there looking bored. James let out a nervous chuckle while scratching the back of his neck when he looked at Regulus.

"So?" James questioned

"So?" Regulus repeated

James cleared his throat and fixed his glasses "So emm you umm wanted to talk about the bet?"


"What about it then?"

Regulus just folded his arms and looked straight into James eyes smirking.




"God damn Moony! Where are you?!" James shouted and strides through the common room frustratedly.

"Common room should be the second option to find Moony James" Lily said looking so comfortable with a book in her hands on the couch.

James was so confused and too nervous at the same time that he couldn't think right "Well where is he then?!" He practically yelled at her.

Lily closed her book with a loud thump and stared at James before saying sternly
"At the library James where else?? And do not yell at me!"

"Yeah? Why didn't I think about it! And I'm sorry but I practically put my head in the lion's den! So I don't know what to do except yelling alright?! And I need Moony now!" James again yelled and walked out of the common room.

Lily was left blanked for awhile before blinking and opening her book once again, knowing she'll know what happened by the end of the day. She didn't want to pressure James more asking what was it about because it's obvious that this was about Regulus and something about the bet, so she decided to let James tell her whenever he wants.

"Was it prongs who was yelling Moony just now?" Peter asked coming down from the staircase.

"Why yes, I bet he was too loud" Lily laughed looking at Peter who seemed to look like he had a nightmare.

"Hell yeah he was loud! I got woken up by him yelling too loud that I fell from my bed!"

Lily laughed "I'm sorry for laughing but did you get hurt Peter?"

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