Chapter 35

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"Moony!" James called

"What prongs?" Remus asked tiredly knowing what's coming next

"Can I please-"
"Nope" Remus said while closing his book and sternly stared at James

"But why?!" James whined sliding onto the couch Remus was sitting, but Remus didn't even bother replying his question

"You are being so rude these days moony, my heart hurts" James said dramatically

"Am I now? Okay" Remus replied sarcastically while looking away and James just huffed

"It's been few days since I last saw Regulus, I can't even catch a glimpse of him around the castle. It's starting to worry me moony, please let me see the map at least" James said worriedly which was increasing as seconds pass by and Remus just kept on observing him through his peripheral view for a minute

"He's doing fine prongs, he's with Crouch and Rosier now. He's just been doing his stuffs while staying in his dorm" Remus said and before James starts questioning him, he started speaking again

"He's been eating and resting well too, Narcissa has been making sure of that. And how I know all of this doesn't matter at all"

"You've been keeping an eye on him?"

"More like making sure the younger one is safe enough to make the older one to relax for a bit" Remus said with a soft smile. James' face slowly started to relax where he sighed and hang his head low

"But moony"


"I miss him...." James said slowly while biting his lips

"I know" Remus said before sighing softly, "lets go prongs"

"Where?" James was confused

"For a walk" Remus said and got up putting his book on the table

"But moony it's pass curfew"


"You won't usually go out for a walk at this hour"



"It's not like I never been out at this hour prongs, I've been out pass curfew just a few days ago" Remus said while folding his arms

"You said that was not your choice!" James said in a disbelief tone

"Fair, but now this is my choice" Remus shot back


"Suit yourself Potter, I'm going whether you coming or not" Remus rolled his eyes and started walking off

"Hey!" James called after Remus before following him quickly

"You are too fast moony!" James said finally catching up with Remus "are you walking or running?" he continued, to which Remus just smirked and continued walking in a slower pace

"I feel like we forgot something moony" James said with a confused expression written on his face

"What? Sirius and Peter?" Remus asked

"Oh them too but I wasn't talking about them"

"What then?" Remus questioned while halting and James shook his head saying he was not sure either, to which Remus just sighed

"Take your time to think then" Remus commented and started walking again with James who was quiet for awhile

"The invisibility cloak" James said suddenly

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