Chapter 10

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Regulus was in the great hall today. But something is different, something seems off. He's not looking this side of the hall even a little bit. It's not like he normally would but this, this is different it looks like he's been avoiding to look at this side of the hall and Gryffindors table at all cost.

To say not even seeing him once after the quidditch pitch practice for a few days hurts James, this had him even more. It's like he's purposely avoiding looking at this side and to look at him to be more specific. This really frustrated James 'Does he really hates me? What did I even do? Did something change or did I misinterpret him hating me for him being fine with me? I thought we were getting closer....'

"You are making it so obvious prongs keep it low will you?" Remus whispered to James ear. To which James just looked back down his empty plate.

"What secrets are you keeping away from me?" Sirius asked in a jokingly manner but had a frown formed on his forehead seeing Remus this close to James. Seeing them this close made Sirius feel uneasy 'what am I feeling? why am I angry seeing them this close, I have also been so close but I can't seem to take it when Remus being close to James. Well maybe that's because James is my bestest friend among all four of us' Sirius shrugged his thoughts off.

James who noticed Sirius frowning to this lightens up his own mood and had a brilliant idea.

"Well pads, it's a little dirty secret of ours only the two of us to be specific, moony and prongs secret" James ended in a hushed voice while putting his arm around Remus shoulder with full smugness and a smirk played on his lips. Sirius face dropped dead to this, he has mixed feelings about this. One was, why would they keep secrets from eachother since they are bestmates and second was what kind of dirty secret would it be that made them to discuss it this close.

Remus who had no idea of what was going on seemed to be confused and couldn't bring himself to solve the puzzle quickly for once in his lifetime. James was quite amused by Remus in this case, Remus seems to notice and knows literally everything in his surroundings but simply missed something that really involves him.

"What is it? Why is it kept hidden from me? I thought we were best mates!" Sirius asked confused and seemed a little hurt.

Seeing Sirius like this Remus felt himself frowning a little "it's nothing padfoot" he said calmly.

"Oh yeah then what is it then? Why would you whispered when it's nothing?" Sirius added on his questions quickly which made James kind of satisfied that he has hit the spot that would help Sirius to realise his feelings if his assumptions was true.

"It's call a secret for a reason pads" James said slowly "but trust me you'll eventually get to know it, but when you do I'm not sure you would like it or would still like being my friend" James said pressing his lips thinly and took a quick glance to the Slytherin table noticing Regulus was not there anymore. With a frown he returned his gaze to Sirius.

"I don't like how it sounds now itself Prongs" Sirius said unsurely. "Me neither padfoot me neither..." James said having a unreadable expression on his face. "But you won't get rid of me that easily prongs and no matter what you will always be my friend, we are bestmates for god's sake!" Sirius laughed which made James smile a little.

"Oh Moony would you please help me with this charms essay?" Peter asked sitting beside Remus and Remus gave him a look saying 'I knew it' but nodded anyways with a smile.

'What is it with everyone that they wants to sit beside my moony so close?! Isn't there many other seats around!' Sirius thought but groaned and put his head on the table realising he said it out louder than intended.

Lucky him Remus and Peter was too engrossed in the essay to even notice what Sirius said but James didn't. James had his head rested on the back of his palms with his elbows on the table and was giving Sirius a pointed look raising his eyebrow with a winning smirk on his lips.

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