Chapter 4

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"Pro... Prongs? James? Ja- JAMES POTTER!"

Which startled James out from his train of thoughts. "Huh?" he looked around to see his three best friends looking at him expectantly "Um yes yes Wormtail what is it?" James asked smiling while shaking his head.

"Jesus Prongs! What's in your mind? We were calling you for nearly a minute now James" said Peter looking at him a little worried than usual. 'Sirius brother is' James thought. "Nothing Wormtail nothing, I just zoned out i guess"

"Nah! I bet a certain little redhead is wormy" smirked Sirius "I'm sure he's thinking how pretty she is, how her eyes sparkles with greens that looks like a forest and bla bla bla" laughed Sirius. James just smiled at that, he couldn't deny nor state the truth to them especially Sirius, when it's his best mate's brother who is running through his mind since they meet at the library! Why did Reg came to him at that time, when all he always do is avoid or ignore him at all cost and he could have done that easily seeing that in library you could avoid people without even trying. Did he wanted to ask something? or he wanted to hex me or something since we were in the back of the library away from people's eyes which could be done without people suspecting it. 

But the way he looked at me is different not indicating he wants to attack or something but it's like how children looks at the candies they received with a spark in their eyes like it's the precious thing they got 'well that's absurd James' he told to himself. Well his eyes is quite similar to Sirius but there is something different in it like both of them has grey eyes where Sirius has grey eyes with mixture of black and a little white silver like colour in them which makes them beautiful but Regulus, Regulus has striking grey eyes with a hint of blue in them which makes James want to keep on looking into them and drown in them not wanting to escape 'well that's enough pull yourself together James! You shouldn't have this thoughts at all! Damn blacks and their genes' mumble James to himself.

"What?" Sirius asked, "Nothing Pads! I was just thinking you know"James smiled to which "About how to impress Evans again eh prongs, yeah i know that" smirked Sirius. "Yeah" James replied with a timid smile to which Sirius nodded with a smirk.

But Remus who was observing them, was just questioningly looking at James with a raised eyebrow asking him 'what', because he knows there is no way James would be thinking about Lily or even wanting to impress her. Well not before after she revealed her secret to James and Remus which James and Remus absolutely respected her and vowed to protect her from any negativity now, in future and forever. James respected Lily and is making sure he would not cross the line but still flirt with her here and there just to make sure not to raise any suspicions if he stops pursuing her suddenly. It's a thing that only both of them know and kept as a secret from the other marauders since Lily trusted them to not breath a word about it to anyone not even their other bestfriends. So they have kept it to themselves since their fourth year.

'Nothing' James mouthed to him. To which Remus shoots him a 'we will talk later' look and James nodded because he knows there is no way out if Moony wants to have a talk.

"Well, come on then or we'll be late for hogsmeadeeeeeeee! said sirius while running out the door with the 'e' echoed through the stairs. "To hogsmeade we go!" said James fixing his glasses on his nose and followed Sirius with Remus and Peter trailing behind them shaking their heads.

The October weather was not too warm or cold which is nice and pleasant to have a great day outside. The marauders was walking all side by side and was simply enjoying their comfortable silence at the moment till "So, where are we gonna go first?" asked Peter excitedly. And after pretending to be in a wise thought Remus said "we should start off with something sweet don't you all think?" "oh come on Moony you could just tell us you want to go to honeydukes first yeah, it's not a secret or something that you love sweets especially chocolate frogs" teased Sirius while putting an arm around Remus shoulders and pulling him down so he could stay on his feet since Remus is quite taller than him or could say than the rest of the marauders. 

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