Chapter 7

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Lily was mad really mad, her face nearly matching her hair colour due to her anger. But why was she that angry no one knows even James was so confused but Remus. Remus seems to know why seeing from the anxious look on his face when he saw her.

"Lily!" Remus called out after he got a hold of everything that happened in a flick of moment.

"Remus Lupin! What are you even doing standing here doing nothing but watching this! You are a prefect for god's sake!" Lily visible was calm since she was talking to Remus but her voice clearly sounds the opposite.

"Lil-" Remus was cut off by Lucius "how dare a mudblood like you disarm me! Who gave you the permission-" now Lucius was cut off.

"Malfoy!" James begin but couldn't continue when Lily interrupted him

"Malfoy you would be punished severely by the professors of your stupidity of daring to use the dark spell in the school and on someone!" Lily said by mentioning 'someone' more pressed with a coldness in her voice which was never been heard by anyone before.

"Punished? Who me? Malfoys won't be punished, they punish people and I'll make sure to punish you together with black at the same time next time. Plus no one here dares to be a witness of me using a dark spell and complain about this to the professors about thi-"

"We will" said the marauders at once as they always do when they know they are on the same side.

"No one will believe you lots since you are all Gryffindors who are always against Slytherins" said Malfoy who was standing by the support of his friend.

"Prefect's voice will be trusted!" said Lily who now lost her calm posture.

"Oh come on Evans, incase you forgot you are also a Gryffindor and a mudblood at the same time" said Lucius disgusted.

"Well if there is no choice, let me to do it then" came a voice.

Everyone turned to see Regulus standing with his head held up high, his shoulders straight and arms folded with a cold demeanour.

"You can't-" Lucius was cut off by Regulus "well just in case you didn't notice I'm a prefect too, a Slytherin if it makes it better and if it's not enough to make the professors to believe about this incident, well I happen to be a pureblood too" said Regulus in his monotone "but just to make sure you are clear of one fact, that Hogwarts treats every students evenly no matter who they are. So put your pure-blood elitism somewhere worth less" he finished with complete malice staring directly towards Lucius.

Everyone was stunned to even comprehend what was happening at that moment. One moment there was an argument, the next there were a battle and again an argument and now the Black heir seems to go against a Malfoy and what's more shocking is that Regulus seems to be against the pure-blood supremacy.

"You! I'll get back to you for what happened today" Lucius said a minute after staring at Regulus

"Oh come off it will ya, aren't you tired of repeating the same thing on and on" Sirius said with annoyance.

"You blood traitor have no-" Francis who was holding Malfoy was cut off before he could finish what he wanted to say trying to support his friend by a wand pointed to his neck by Regulus.



Everyone was calling his name out of shock.

"In case Cissy didn't make it clear enough, let me tell you and everyone here once again that no one, no one can insults or calls Sirius that or any other names you think it would be funny or treat him stupidly to make yourself look great" Regulus said coldly

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