Chapter 13

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"Are you sure reggy?" Narcissa asked worriedly

"Yes Cissy, three down one more to go" was all Regulus replied before going to his practice as usual.

Narcissa sighed and shook her head
"Why can't you just accept it?" she whispered to herself and turned around from the main hall doors to go to the library.

"Hye Black, I wanted to ask you something if you are free" came Lily's voice sweetly from behind her.

Narcissa felt her heart warmed after hearing Lily's voice and smiled.

"Yes Evans, what can I do for you?" Narcissa asked politely. Lily let out a nervous laughter before continuing "emm I was- just wondering that- I- ughhh" she stopped and groaned because how much she was stammering. Narcissa was amused watching the girl who can talk nonstop without any mistakes is now stammering infront of her and she had a small smile on her face seeing this.

"I was just wondering, you know whether Regulus is actually serious in winning this game?" Lily continued without stammering this time "since if he wins this, it means Slytherins wins the first games against each houses..."

"No, NO! Not that I'm against of Slytherin winning this matches or what, what I meant was it's just that-" Lily's nervousness was cut off by Narcissa "I know what you meant no need to panic or something" Narcissa said sweetly and offered Lily a smile which Lily too reply with a smile.

"Well knowing reggy, he won't give up on quidditch normally without winning or giving his best out there. But this time it's different it's a bet and a bet on his feelings which he is very keen on keeping it a secret.  And what more the bet is from the saint James Potter. He won't let go unless he wins is only I can say" Narcissa said slowly with a sad smile.

Lily just nodded.

There was a comfortable silence fell over them.

"So foolish of you Potter"

"So dumb of you Potter"

Both Narcissa and Lily said at the same time. Which surprised both of them and they started to giggle.

"Yeah right" Lily said.

"Right, like who makes a bet with Regulus Black in things he is good at especially Quidditch! Not to offend others but!" Narcissa said putting her hands in the air.

"Together with his feelings" Lily added knowingly.

Narcissa sighed again "things definitely going to get serious and uncontrollable after this"

Lily just smiled and shrugged.

"But, really does Regulus don't like and care about James?" Lily asked timidly.

"I- I can't say anything about that Evans" Narcissa said slowly.

"It's just- have I been reading the signs wrong? The looks, the longingness, the pain and the rest? It is all because he hates him? I-" Lily was rambling where Narcissa cuts her off.

"Stop Lily" she said calmly.

Lily looked at her and waited for her to say something. Narcissa took a deep breath and continued.

"Look, I can only reassure you one thing" she said which earned hopeful eyes from Lily "I can only say that Regulus does not hate James. And he needs time to figure out what he's going to do about him and James. Till then we will have to wait and see" Narcissa said reassuringly to which Lily nodded and said something.

"James is already broken, Narcissa. And I know Regulus is too. But what is going on right now is hurting James more than it does to Regulus. And this game is James final straw. He would be completely shattered." Lily smiled sadly.

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