Chapter 12

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'I'm not going to see or talk or do anything to him anymore! Not after crying infront of him. I'm very sure he's disgusted. Who cries for being ignored except stupid James Potter! Not to say I cried infront of him, he's a black for god sake! He's probably waiting to humiliate me infront of everyone!' James thought while restraining himself from diverting his gaze towards the Slytherin table 'Hold yourself Potter! Don't be so desperate to get yourself embarrassed again' James placed his head frustratedly in his palm and huffed loudly gaining his friends attention.

"What is it prongsie, did Evans let you down again?" teased Sirius.

"I'm not in the mood of taking your teasing padfoot and let Evans topic down for a moment will you" James stated glaring at Sirius through his round glasses tilting his head forward a little.

Sirius gasped dramatically and was about to reply something before Remus cut him off  "Shut it Pads" he said sternly and earning a small protesting sound from Sirius before he stuffs his mouth with his dinner grumpily.

Remus shoots James a look and raised an eyebrow to him, wordlessly telling him 'you better be eating or you might die out of overthinking without having any energy to save you'.

James pouted and grumpily stuffed his mouth with food just like how Sirius did earning a disgusted look from Remus before he shook his head and turned to look at Peter. Peter was no better, he's been stuffing multiple foods in his mouth at once "Not you too Wormtail" groaned Remus "what? I didn't do anything!" Peter speaks as some food came out of his mouth "ughh how did I get myself stuck with these baboons!" Remus complained as he ate in a polite manner.

"Oh come on Moony you love us!" The three of them chirped together. Remus can't help but smile a little, it's true, he loves all three of them the most, even if they act like a herd of pigs that haven't eaten for days.

"I think I'm going to go for a walk" James said to the rest of the marauders on their way back to the Gryfinddor tower.

"Then let us all go together" Sirius said ready to march forward. "Padfoot, Prongs would have called us if he wanted us all to go together" Peter said knowingly. "Yes padfoot plus I'm sure you both have some essays need to be done too" Remus said.

"Well James have to do it to-" Sirius started but was cut off by James "I finished it earlier this morning pads" James smirked teasingly.

"You betrayed me Potter?" Sirius said mostly questioning it. "No he didn't but I did" said Remus "Moonyyyyy what do you mean by that?" Sirius was confused "oh well I woke up early today since I couldn't sleep and as you know Prongs is always an early bird. I forced him to do the pending essays with me early in the morning today since he was doing nothing good but daydreaming" Remus said simply.

"Hey!" James protested.

"Oh shut it prongs and go have a nice good night walk" Remus said with a spark in his eyes which made James confused but he never questioned it.

"Go on now prongs before Moony locks you up to do other pending tasks" teased Peter.

"Yeah go on Prongs" sulked Sirius which made all of them laughed until Sirius joined in together with them.

"See you guys later then, have good night homework" James waved them goodbye and jogged off quickly.

"Come on then, get going. We have many essays to do" Remus said pulling a sulking Sirius by his collar and dragging him behind him and Peter following behind them with a muffled laughter.

James huffed out in relief once he knows he was far away from the Gryfinddor tower and far enough from his friends for them to not see or read what he's thinking about which he shakes his head thinking how funny it would be if they actually can see or read what's on everyone's mind 'oh what a huge disaster it would be' he laughed it off.

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