Chapter 3

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"There you are!, I was thinking to drag you out myself if you were late than a minute more" said Narcissa dramatically.

"What was that for?!" exasperated Regulus.

"What was what for?" Narcissa asked acting dumbly.

"Well the whole date comment you said there infront of freaking Potter! And you totally wanted to sell me off didn't you?" asked Regulus.

Narcissa eyed Regulus before replying "Well you liked it didn't you?" She smirked "you liked him all flustered and bewildered, oh pardon me Reggy you loved it!"

Regulus was flustered by his cousin's saying. "What Regulus cat got your tounge or J-" "Cissy!" said Regulus covering her mouth with his hand, "shhh you gonna make everyone know!"

"So you admit it?" Narcissa asked with a grin. "I- ugh okay fine I liked it okay?!" said Regulus while his head on his palm "But-" "But what reg?" Narcissa asked a little worried

"I shouldn't... wait how did you know about this?!" regulus was scared 'was it too obvious' he thought. "Oh come on regulus, it's obvious isn't it?, The way you look at him across the hall, the way you eyes craved for his attention, the way you smiled a little after his eyes catches your eyes, the way your ears perked up in the mention of his name, the way-" Narcissa was cut off by Regulus "Wait Cissy, it's enough. No need to embarrass me even further!" now all red. Narcissa laughed at this. There were few seconds of silence between them till Regulus 'Shit'

"What if....." trailed off Regulus.

"What Regulus?" said Narcissa clearly concerned about her youngest cousin.

"What if everyone noticed this as you did?! Rumours will start to spread until it reaches Mother and Father! Then what, they are going to kill me, James who doesn't even know what happened, and Sirius for being friend with him and being blamed on influencing me even when he didn't!" Regulus just continued rambling up so many things and Narcissa just hold him by his shoulder and looked straight in his eyes "Calm down Regulus" she said calmly yet sternly. Which he shakes his head and "No, I can't. I can't. I can't. I ruined everything!"

"Regulus Arcturus Black! Listen to me right now!" said Narcissa loses her calm composure but retained it as soon as Regulus stopped and looked at her indicating he's listening.

"You have nothing to worry about others. It's because they won't know a single thing about you even if they try. Unless you want them to know. You are good at hiding your feelings, emotions and everything you want to keep as secrets Regulus". "But you find it out easily!" Regulus pointed out.

"That's because we practically grow up together and we are cousins dummy" laughed Narcissa. "We are all able to know whatever is happening or happened or how we feel between all of us in a way. Maybe that's just how us Blacks are" which didn't seem to convince Regulus, so Narcissa continued with a sigh "Remember, when you fell and hurt you knees when you were 4 while playing with Sirius and me, and kept it hidden not to make aunt Walburga angry but she knew it at the end of the day?" to which he nodded. "And we also didn't know how to tend you at that time but who helped you?" "Andy" said Regulus timidly.

"Did we told her you fell?" to which he shook his head as 'no', "But she somehow knows you are in pain tho doesn't she and wanted to make you feel better?" "Yes..." said Regulus slowly understanding. "See Regulus, we Blacks knows us better than anyone else. And that's why I noticed this but not just because we are Blacks but because I know you plus you are my favourite cousin too, it's as simple as that!" said Narcissa smiling widely and messed up with Regulus hair a little.

"But, I shouldn't Cissy, doing this not only will harm myself but my loved ones too. Plus Potter doesn't even have any idea about this and he's interested in Evans" said Regulus.

To which Narcissa face change to a small smile, "well he does notice you when you look at him all the time and with the date comment I gave earlier, I'm sure he can at least know or feel something right? I mean he can't be that stupid!"

"Oh trust me he is stupid in that sense!" laughed Regulus "He told me he thinks that I hate him because of Sirius leaving, and I want to seek revenge and want to kill him" said Regulus annoyed. To which Narcissa laughed out loud forgetting her elegance.

"And I- I intend to keep it that way tho, I shouldn't have done what I did in the library just now. I should have just kept my distance, I don't know what came over me and I went straight to him and Damn! It's all his fault looking too hot and cute at the same time when he focuses on something and- and.... Shit! Cissy I should stop! I really should." He said finally. To which Narcissa only replied by shaking her head with a knowing look and a gentle smile.

"Well enough of Potter and me for today or forever I would say. So Cissy, you said you needed help with Malfoy?" which seems to tense Narcissa a bit

"I- I can't get engaged or married to him Reg, I can't do it when..." stuttered Narcissa. "When what Cissa?" ask regulus confused.

"When I don't like him!" said Narcissa after thinking throughout and satisfied with this.

"But you looked fine when this discussion take place, you could have said something if you didn't like him" said Regulus, "I couldn't do anything Reggy when this decision is forced on me, and I just I was scared okay? I was scared of ending up like Andy if I disagree! And even if I did disagree I'm sure they would have this marriage happen no matter what" said Narcissa with a sad tone in her voice.

"I- I'm sorry Cissy, I forgot about that." looking sad as well and continued "Well how do you need me to help you?" Regulus raised a brow

"Well help me to plan to do something to have this marriage discussion cancelled and won't be repeated again, I not only don't want to get married to Malfoy straight after school is over but never!" said Narcissa with a disgusting look in her face in the mention of marrying Malfoy.

"I hate to break it to you but I'm not capable on doing it on my own!" pointed out Regulus as it's obvious. "You are more than just capable Regulus, I know you will and can do it. That's why I'm asking you!" Narcissa said the obvious thing.

"Ugh fine! But give me time yeah? I'll figure it out for you just because you know my secret" said Regulus simply. To which Narcissa laughed and patted his head "well don't worry I'll also be with you in this since it's my problem in the first place"

"Yeah you will as you should and stop patting me, I'm not your pet" Regulus said while brushing her hands of his head. "I miss Sirius more now, he would let me pat him for long enough not like you!" sulked Narcissa.

"Ah is our Cissy missing her little Siri? Why don't you go talk to him and ask him a favour in this too eh?" said Regulus annoyed.

"Are you jealous Reggyyyy? And that was a brilliant idea. Tho we can't do that can we? We don't want to get him hurt again if they ever find out..." Narcissa trailed off remembering how Sirius would get hex for everything he didn't do or did. Regulus just lowered his head and nodded not wanting to talk more about it which brings back the bad memories.

"So we will continue with the planning after our classes later in the evening at the library then?" asked Narcissa changing the topic as soon as she could.
"Sounds good to me Cissy" smiled Regulus.

"Okay, see you later then Reggy, I'll get going now" she said as she walked off while Regulus just nodded with a smile. But she stopped middle way and turned to face him again saying "Listen to what your heart says Reg" and walked away.

Regulus just stood there in silence watching her walk away.

He knows what she was talking about and what she meant but he can't just do something he wanted in his life if it meant hurting his loved ones.

Regulus shook his head bringing him back to reality from his deep thoughts and walked off to his class for the day.

'I should stop' he keeps on reminding himself.

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