Chapter 20

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Regulus turned around to see who was behind him and felt himself become still and unable to move when he saw his brother there

Sirius was standing with his arms folded looking so serious. They both stood there longer, one who seemed to be frozen on one place and another seemed to be waiting to start something.

Regulus blinked once before composing himself and coughed a little. He looked at Sirius and then behind him and also around them before bringing his attention to Sirius' serious looking face.

"Well, hello Sirius, it's a rare sight to see you all by yourself" he continued eyeing their surroundings "and seeing you looking so unsiriusly serious, I assume you are here to be mad and throw some ruckus"

Sirius didn't say anything but looked around their surroundings first "What are you doing here alone?"

"What kind of question is that?" Regulus said while looking around to see the black lake "to be peacefully alone of course but that wouldn't be possible now would it"

Sirius just shrugged and followed his brother's gaze looking at the undisturbed lake. They both stand there for awhile in quiet and peace, not being annoyed by them accompanying eachother.

"So, how does it feel like?" Sirius asked

"Huh?" was all Regulus could react and Sirius rolled his eyes before facing his brother fully "how does it feel like getting confessed by your long time crush or may I say long time love?" He said out without a hint of anger, to which Regulus looked at Sirius like he was a ghost

"What love?! Long time what?! What?! Shit! Are you- no am I okay?! What the hell Sirius!" Regulus bewildered and Sirius smirked while looking all amused by his brother's embarrassment and how his cheeks got all red within seconds.

"Your love, James Potter confessed to you, how do you feel?" Sirius asked in order to add his brother's embarrassment, he doesn't want to waste his opportunity to make his brother's emotionless facade drop.

"I feel nothing!" Regulus said feeling all flustered

"What? The love of your life confessed and you feel nothing? That must hurt Prongs" Sirius said acting all sad

"How do you kn- No! He's not the love of my life! What the hell Sirius?!"

"Oh my bad, he's your life"

"Ye- No! What are you thinking?! Are you out of your mind?!" Regulus said his voice got higher and higher due to his embarrassment and Sirius just laughed "I am not"

"Are you still sane?!"

"What's with you and moony with all the same questions but in different ways of asking it??"

"What does this has to do with that?!"

"That's- that's um nothing actually no further discussion needed on that" Sirius stated "going back to you getting confessed, how did you feel?"

"What the heck Sirius?! I didn't feel anything" Regulus straight up lied which Sirius smirked "What a pity that would hurt Prongs, but I should go tell James about this to kick some sense into him"

"That's not needed!" Regulus again said loudly when suddenly last night incident flash infront of him. Sirius who was looking at him noticed how Regulus' pale skin turns from pink to red and even redder in split of seconds again.

"Damn Reggie! Lily's red hair would lose at this point" he said to which Regulus looked at him even confused "I mean look at you all red and flustered! It's just a confession, it's not like something more than that happened. Yet."

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