Chapter 26

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"Is the boy ready yet?" Hissed a voice

Walburga Black stoned at that, and slowly turned towards the sound of the voice but saw no one other than Orian Black who walked in the living room at that time. She let out the breath she was holding in and shouted at her husband "Orian!" who looked at her with no expression and responded nothing

"Why would you ask me that?" Walburga asked in an angry tone

"Ask you what exactly?" Orian asked indifferently while walking towards her

"About the boy!"

"About the boy? You mean Regulus?" He asked confused which made Walburga even more mad "Yes! Yes! Regulus! Why would you ask whether th-" she was cut off by the someone else interrupting her

"Is the boy ready yet?" Ask the voice a little irritated than before, which made both Walburga and Orian stand still, not moving an inch. Walburga realized it wasn't her husband who asked her that but the man who she fears but he's where her loyalties lies at. Orian on the other hand grimaced at sight of the man who was standing right infront of him but behind his wife who was facing him.

"Silence wasn't the answer I wanted" hissed the man "I will ask again and I need an answer!" He said

"Is the boy ready yet?" He asked calmly again looking at the couple standing infront of him

Orian looked straight at him "He- he's been busy with his study that he hasn't repl-"

"Which part of my question is not clear to you Black? I want an answer not an explanation! Only one answer 'Yes or No'?"

"He is not-" Orian was cut off by Walburga who turned towards the man "Yes! Yes he is, of course he is ready my Lord" she laughed nervously and turned back to stare at her husband before looking at Voldemort again who looks satisfied but still not convinced yet when he look at Orian

"Is he ready yet Black?" Voldemort asked staring at his face which showed the expression of uneasiness and full of guilt

"He-" Orian got cut of by Walburga once again "Yes he is my lord" she said with a straight face coming forward towards Voldemort but then stopped midway

"I asked your husband, Black" Voldemort hissed and walked closer to Orian, passing by Walburga. Walburga looked down stressfully and scared of what her husband might answer

"Is he?" Voldemort repeated

"He is...." Orian dragged his answer until Walburga head shot up and glared at him to stick to what her words was, Voldemort on the other hand was looking expectantly for him to answer.

Orian finally let out a heavy sigh before answering "Yes, he should be ready", earning a questionable look from Voldemort and Walburga on the other hand was fuming inside her but kept calm on the outside

"Should be?" Voldemort questioned

"He should have been ready since Sirius left, since Sirius is not here anymore, Regulus is to take his place. So yes, he is" Orian swallowed hardly after saying things he just said. But both Voldemort and Walburga looked satisfied with the answer and Voldemort gave a small nod to that while Walburga smiled evilly and clapped loudly

"It would have been better if you didn't bring up that disgraceful one, Orian" she said and looked at Voldemort curiously "when is the time my lord?"

"hmmm, wait till I summon him. It won't be too long after today" Voldemort said after a long thought and continued "But I will be sending Bellatrix to check up on the boy until the day comes. We do not want him to be mingling with the wrong kinds now do we? Those blood traitors especially the son of yours" he grimaced at the end,

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