Chapter 11

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It has been weeks and now it was Regulus turn to feel desperate for James attention.

Since the day in the library, James has been openly been ignoring Regulus. Not even looking at him at all. 'Just one look is enough... My foot!' Regulus thought grumpily. 'I've been looking at you countless time ever since I was 11 you idiot! You were the one that didn't!' He was mad really mad. When he wasn't looking at him, James wanted his attention and now when he fully has Regulus attention on him he's been ignoring it totally.

"Pretentious idiot" mumbled Regulus when he was walking out of the great hall grumpily giving one last look at the Gryfinddors table. 'why would you need my attention when all you ever needed was your favourite lilyflower's attention'

Regulus really did regret making James that broken on that day. But now he would rather hex him straight for ignoring him but not see him that broke again. It hurts his heart too much seeing that he was the one that brought James that pain.

"Hye Regulus!" a voice called out for him from behind which brought him back from his daze. Regulus turned his body a little to see who is was. 'What does she wants from me now?' he thought.

"Yes Evans what can I help you with?" He asked in his calm voice. "Can I have a small talk with you?" Lily smiled softly. He was clearly taken a back by this but nodded his head politely putting his left arm infront asking her to lead the direction. Lily nodded and walked ahead of Regulus leading the way to the black lake.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Lily said looking around, while Regulus was taking in the beautiful scenery of the lake and just hummed agreeing to Lily.

There was a comfortable silence that falls around them which both of them wasn't really expecting. They didn't know they could tolerate eachother company till this very moment. They were quiet for a awhile just taking in the nature around them and feeling the soft cold breeze around them.

"So, what is it you were going to talk about?" Regulus asked slowly. Lily just smiled softly at him and shook her head lightly "Can't wait a little longer can you?".

Regulus had a small pout that crept at his lips and disappeared but Lily noticed this and tried her best to not smile openly 'Just like Sirius and James, all of them are like children!' she mentally thought. Regulus shook his head and remained silent, waiting for Lily to start talking when she is ready to.

"I just wanted to talk to you about James..." Lily said slowly looking at Regulus after few minutes. Regulus for the second time of the day was taken a back by Lily 'why would she want to talk about James to him'

"I guess you got the wrong Black for this Evans, there's nothing to talk about James Potter to me" Regulus said. "No, you are the right one" Lily said while having a smile that he never on her face before which was full of mischief.

"Well, let's hear it then" he finally said after curiosity got the best out of him. Lily smirked like she finally lead him to a trap. If Regulus was slightly amused he never showed her.

"So, James left the library crying that day" the chill in her voice made Regulus even guiltier. "Look Evans-" he started "No you'll have to listen to me first" she said sternly. "Why are you sounding like cissy now, ughhh fine! Get to the point" He said giving up.

"He was with you that day, and there is no talking about this since we know you were the reason of it" Lily said folding her arms and raised an eyebrow looking at Regulus.

'We? Who else?! Not Sirius God!' he thought nervously. Lily laughed shaking her head. Regulus was offended by this "what's so funny?!", "You being scared of Sirius knowing that?! That's hilarious Regulus!" She said laughing hard till her face was pink and eyes tears up. "What do you want me to do, he's dramatic and won't let it go no matter what.... It's his bestmates or best brother James Potter we are talking about....." Regulus started exasperated but ended lowly.

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