Chapter 38

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"What the-" Evan halted his steps at the potions class' doorway in shock after seeing a group of sixth years from Gryffindors and Slytherins together with the fifth years Ravenclaws and Slytherins in the same room. He was puzzled for a moment as to why the sixth years was even there during their class hours before entering the room once he spotted his friends

"What are they doing here?" Evan questioned and shot a quick glance towards the sixth years

"I don't know" Regulus said while shrugging

"Okay...... But why are they looking at us like that?" Evan asked, aware of the sixth years' eyes are on them specifically Sirius and James which he finds it a little creepy if he was being honest

"Urm don't know?" Barty said and stared at Sirius and James who was not batting their eyes from them, they were staring at them somewhat so intensely that both of them was not aware that they were being watched as well. Barty then just mouthed at them 'stop staring you idiots!' and pointed at Evan to make sure they realise they were caught staring

Sirius gasped dramatically at that and wanted to say something before Remus stomped on his feet hard enough when he noticed this to distract him

"Ouch Moony!" Sirius then diverted his attention towards Remus who was pretending as if nothing happened while James just awkwardly coughed at that, pretending as if he was not looking at them anymore but somehow his eyes still ended up finding Regulus'

"Idiots" Barty muttered while Regulus himself was trying not to stare back at James

"They are very chaotic together" Evan commented with a not-so-obvious-smile

"Who?" Regulus asked tearing his eyes unwillingly from James and looked at Evan now with curiosity

"Sirius and Lupin. I mean look at them they are really very chaotic together" Evan repeated and frowned slightly but not in a mean kind of way. Both Barty and Regulus noticed this and exchanged some questioning looks towards each other. And before they could say something about it, they were suddenly interrupted

"And cute too!" Pandora said popping out of nowhere which startled all three of them that they jumped a little

"Jesus Christ!" Barty exclaimed and had one of his hand on his chest while Evan was trying not to laugh at his scared reaction ignoring his own heart racing from the jump scare

"Hye pan" Regulus stifled a laughter, pretending as if he wasn't as shock as Barty was just few seconds ago

"Hello Regulus" Pandora said before smiling at her other two friends "Evan and Barty, hi guys" to which Evan just nodded with a smile and Barty was playfully glaring at her

"You scared the shit out of me pandora" Barty grumbled

"I didn't mean to tho" Pandora said innocently with a small smirk before her eyes landed back on the sixth years "oh-, hello there Sirius!" She greeted energetically when she noticed Sirius was looking at them once again

"Hi Pan" Sirius waved at her with a smug smile to which she nodded before getting a little more excited once she noticed Peter was there too "Hello Peter!"

"Hii there" Peter said in a shy manner. Pandora smiled widely before nodding to the rest of the known sixth years with the same smile, where all of them gave her a quick nod before sharing some knowing look among each other

"Are we having this class together with the sixth years as well?" Pandora asked

"I don't know Pan" Regulus said as if it was the least of his concern because he was too focused in controlling himself from hexing James who just had the audacity to wink at him infront of everyone

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