Chapter 8

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When James enter Professor McGonagall's office, Narcissa and her was already waiting for him. Narcissa was amused at how he can be late for even detention and Professor McGonagall was not at all impressed.

"When are you going to be on time Mr Potter?" she asked boredly.

"When I lose interest in pranking of course" James said while winking at her.

Professor McGonagall shoot him a stern look "Since you are here, let's not waste our time then, follow me you two" she said and walked out of her office. Narcissa and James shared a look and followed her.

"Where are we going Minnie?" James asked now was worried he was going to be told to clean the potion classroom. Oh that would be a bad detention, it would be hard to scrub off and clean the failed potions which would have burst or spilled on the floor or wall or on the table in the room. It will take hours to clean everything off. James was silently praying to not having tonight's detention in cleaning the potion classroom.

"You'll see Mr Potter" Professor McGonagall said putting a halt on her speed and turned to face both of her students.

"You should stop calling me names if you don't want to be in potion classroom tonight Mr Potter" she said as if she read through his mind.

"No can do professor" he try laughing it off 'damn we can't risk anything, this woman may know how to read minds' James thought.

"Now" Professor McGonagall begins and turned to the door she was standing infront which was only noticed by James now. They were standing infront of the library.

"Follow me" she instructed to which both James and Narcissa obeyed.

When they entered, they walked through many rows of racks full of books and when they came to stop, there were a big pile of books stacked on the table middle of the library. 'oh you've got to be kidding me!' James thought to himself.

"Well, it's seems that you are aware of what to do seeing this books here. You have exactly two hours to place the books to where it belongs on the correct rack. Madam Pince would be checking it later on for me to see whether you did the job correctly or not. And you are expected to do it without using any source of magic so I'll be keeping your wands away, as usual if you finish early, you can go back early" she said with a little obvious teasing smile towards James.

"Oh come on, it would be even worst without magic!" James protested.

"We'll do it professor" Narcissa said smiling politely.

"Not you too" James practically loses hope.

"It can't be that hard Potter" Narcissa eyed him which made him quit protesting.

"Very well then hand me your wands and get to work now, and as I said you can leave early if you finish early" Professor McGonagall said while taking their wands from them. Narcissa handed her wand instantly and James was hesitant but eventually gave up.

"Good night then Mr Potter and Miss Black" Professor McGonagall said and walked off hearing 'Good night professor' from both of them.

"She would have cut us some slack by not taking our wands when you are here but you have to go agree with her!" James whined when he saw Narcissa walking to the pile of books stacked on the table.

"Oh come on Potter, quit whining! It can't be that bad" Narcissa said waving him off. "Plus we have to get this done in two hours so come on get to work" she added.

James made sounds of protest but eventually followed her.

Narcissa laughed and said "so we will first arrange the books which is supposed to be placed together and then put them away later in the correct rack and place"

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