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Mirabel: *sees a bee flying* There's a bee.
Antonio: *kindly tells the bee to leave*
Dolores: *shoos the bee with a fan*
*on the other side*
Luisa: *covers her face* Isa... there's a bee-
Camilo and Isabela: *brings their snacks and runs away*


Luisa: *rubbing her temples* I am not proud of what I'm about to say, but someone please get me a cigarette.
Abuela: But Luisa, we don't smoke-
Luisa: Cut the crap, Abuela. I'm not an idiot. I know that one of five people smoke.
Luisa: *points at Julieta, Camilo, Mirabel, Bruno and Abuela* IT'S ONE OF YOU-
Luisa: Now I am going to close my eyes and when I open them, there better be a cigarette in between these too fingers.
Bruno: *puts cigarette in between her fingers*
Luisa: Thank you. Now I'm gonna need the lighter-
All five: *all simultaneously pull out a lighter*


Isabela: Sometimes I wonder if I'm hearing voices.
Isabela: ...then I remember that's the last bit of sanity I have trying to get me to fall asleep at a reasonable time.


Agustin: Are we fighting or flirting.
Julieta: I'm pinning you against the wall with my hand around your neck-
Agustin: Your point?


Isabela: If you put "violently" in front of every action you're describing, it sounds funnier. Like "Violently practices."
Mirabel: "Violently studies."
Luisa: "Violently sleeps."
Dolores: "Violently eats."
Camilo: "Violently murders people."
Antonio: "Violently concerns about the previous phrase."


Abuela: How did none of you listen to what I said?
Julieta: I've been zoned out for the last two and a half hours.
Bruno: I got distracted about halfway through
Pepa: Ignoring you was a concious decision.


Isabela: *confronting Mariano about breaking his noes twice* Oh hey, Mariano. How was your nose's suicide attempt?
Mariano: 10/10, would do it again.


Camilo: One day, I'm gonna breed a bulldog and a shi tzu and then call it a-
Mirabel: No.


Bruno: There is absolutely nothing that can dent our impenetrable bond.
Pepa: I stole your arepas from your secret stash
Bruno: You are dead to me.


Antonio: Can you two stop fighting?
Mirabel: We're not fighting, we're having a creative discussion.
Isabela: We are too fighting.
Mirabel: Creative discussion.
Isabela: FigHTING!
Isabela: FIGHTING!
Mirabel: C RE A T I VE DIS CUSSI O N!!
Isabela: F I G H T I N G!!
Antonio: *thinking* I can't believe they're arguing about


A/N: Yknow what im gonna say it-

I got unmotivated for some reason AHSHQIXBAK-

first I'd like to thank @Demxn_TearsRBLX for more again. I am sorry for the delay update bc you mentioned it somewhere-

Secondly, I've been interested in other things so I hope yall wouldn't mind if I probably won't update as I usually do before. T^T


Please don't worry I'll add 2 more chapters after this and probably will leave this alone for a while... : >

I hope you guys understand qjxjwkfj I hope you're all doing great and stay safe girliess!!
