Author's Note

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Hi! So this story already met its ending, finally!

I don't if there are readers who were waiting for this or if there are some who are reading this but if there is, thank you for reaching up to this point!

I encourage you all to listen to taylor Swift's Enchanted and reminisce the ending, something that I did exactly.

This story did not only cause pain to the characters, i was in pain too while writing this but I would say i am satiafied because this is how i exactly want the story to progress.

You might not like the ending but that is not where I focused because I believe that ending doesn't really mean the end.

If you happened to like this story, i hope i could get your opinion, thoughts or whatever.

I am not good with interacting but again, thank you!

See you on the next stories!

Can We Fall, One More Time?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon