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A/N: hello everyone, I am back with a brand new story, after a few months of inactivity due to my online classes, school year is about to end and I am now able to write stories again, I hope you all enjoy this new one, a crossover of several franchise you all either know or not, expects a lot of crazy stuff to be happening.

(3rd POV)

Death, the inevitable end of all life, it is both a familiar and unfamiliar concept to many, sure everyone knows that they inevitably die at some point.

Whether it be through nature, by others, or themselves all, and so on. In the end all would die at some point.... but many also don't know what comes after dying.

Religious groups believed that they would be judge by the actions and choices they have made throughout their entire life, either going to heaven and live happily or end up in hell and be damned for eternity.

Others believe that once they die their soul would reincarnate somewhere in earth or ascend as an immortal being to a higher plane of existence.

Some even believe in absurd beliefs from simple tales to famed stories like other worlds filled with wonder and fantasy few could dream to be in, to even cosmic horrors that lurks beyond the world, awaiting to devour anyone's soul that unfortunately comes in their way.

Damning their life to eternal servitude to incomprehensible beings of eldritch origins who see all of creation as nothing more than toys and pawns to play with and then throw away once they're usefulness had ended.

Nonethoess Many have long debated what truly comes after a persons death, searching for the answer to finish this long and ancient question that had plague the minds of many, though none have found the answer to this question even after thousands of years had passed.

It is a mystery that is feared by humanity for it is simply in their nature to fear the unkown, thing they could not know or understand.

Always trying to uncover the mysteries, so they may feel confidence and fear it no longer......but their are secrets that is best left forgotten.

For the truths are often bitter, once the veil of lies are opened, how it overturns everything in mere moments once it is revealed.

Yet it also had intrigue many, bringing excitement and dread of the infinite possibilities it could bring, countless imagination are made.

Both good and bad, beautiful and ugly, and so on so forth, the truth ever grow farther rather growing short.

Is their truly something out their that only after dying would they know? To experience a new level of reality that transcends what they understood?

Or will we all be doomed to a fate far worse than just dying? Who knows which is the truth, the possibilities are endless, after all when have dead men ever tell tales?
(London, 1701, April 4)

It was late after noon, the sun was a few hours away from setting down, people of all manners walks across the bustling streets of ancient London.

The roads were filled by the dozens of the late 17ths vehicles of varying kind, from simple horses road by people to adequate or luxurious carriages being pulled by said animals, the air in the city was peaceful.

Though the skies was covered a bit by darkening clouds and likely would rain early tonight. Indicated by the sounds of thunder rumbling throughout the skies, and small flashes of lightning are seen from afar.

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