[Chapter 15: Thus The UNSC Fought There|Pt. 2]

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A/N: and we're now back, so after much thinking I decided to shorten the chapters back to 5k so I can update it weekly rather than the once a month update that I usually do, this is because of a project me and All-Eternal have in mind that will add into the story and as for what it is? Well it's a surprise that we can't really spoil to you all, so I hope you will all enjoy today's chapter. 😁
(3rd POV)

Mikhail and the other were taken into a small meeting room across the base, with him and Ivan following the two delegates while the others are left behind to relax and to observe the Japanese and their forces while the duo watch over the VIPs they were tasked to watch over, considering this was a very important event they must be cautious.

Felipe was with the others keeping tabs with Itami and his group who have lead them to a field area where they are busy talking with a lot of things, their own troops that they have brought had started a game between the Japanese soldiers who were piqued by their own appearance being much more advance.

And less barbaric than the enemies that invaded their lands months ago which isn't held with too much negativity as rationality was prevalent amongst their men, as most perfer not to be compared or be like Empire forces that tried to brutally invade the capital city of Tokyo that had ended badly for the Saderans.

Mikhail gave the go ahead to lighten up the mood and to make friendly conversation while not revealing too much regarding their side to the Japanese as he's sure that they can't be trustful to some of their governments knowing how politics work, they are keen to stand neutral and not cause an incident that could break their relation.

And so while they were busy giving a good impression to the JSDF forces and a likely possible joint-military if the use of some of their vehicles wasn't an indication they were already making a unofficial joint-training that high command had long expected to happen.

Thankfully they weren't showing much aside from what they want them to see, it helped that their Archseers in their intelligence division was working 24/7 of future possibilities as they keep them informed of anything that's will like to happen both present and future meetings that would happened later on.

Kōichirō Hazama and his own second in command Akira Yanagida beckoned the delegates to enter the room alongside Pina and her knight Bozes the two being the only one who'd come along since Italica still needed to have a high rank officer to watch over the city.

Thus the she was left with Bozes who is the only she could bring since she had tasks the others to do some work, while Bozes having cause some trouble and to recompensate for all that she had done while under the princess watch to make sure that no further incident happens to their side now that they are meeting with the Japanese own national senate.

Well later that is since they'll still need to wait for replies from the otherside to indicate that everything is ready so they will likely stay within JSDF base on Alnus Hill until they receive a reply from their government on the otherside of the gate which was still kept opened.

Courtesy of a certain cosmic being who has taken a delight to watch the chaos unfolding between the three universe... especially the Gods within Pina's world who are having trouble to do anything since they were being blocked by 'him'.

"Please do come inside... there are some questions we would like to as if you dont mind, we haven't yet receive any new orders yet aside from welcoming you here as things are being prepared and schedule back at our homeland." Koichiro explained as the entered the room followed by Felipe, Louise and Pina as they sat on their respective seat.

While Mikhail and Ivan stands behind their delegate, mask fully covering their face while luckily unarmed except of course the sidearm dual-pistols hanging on the side of their waist while their hands are cross behind their back staying silent as they communicate telepathically as they couldn't be heard.

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