[Fate/Providence: Part VI]

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A/N: so you all are aware that Alexis is the will of honkai aka the finality and he possessed the Authority to create more herrscher right? Well today your gonna witness Artoria and fighting said herrscher and a few others herrscher to appear later on, with powers pertaining to some concept, expect it to be highly overpowered and unfair at least for the other servants of the war, now without further ado please enjoy the chapter and have a nice day everyone.

(3rd POV)

"So that was the caster servant who eliminated one of Assassin body?" Tokiomi Tohsaka asked as he lit a cigar, standing behind his desk inside the office, looking through the window and onto the slowly descending soon, it had been several hours since they've made observation of the other master, particularly the Einzbern who had been spotted at the shopping district of the city.

During Tokiomi student's observation, they've manage to detect the presence of another servant who deployed some kind of isolation barrier on shopping district in broad daylight, though it came close to violating the rules, no one got pulled into a fight or made the people around them aware of any wierd changes or strange activity going on, it wasnt hard to conclude who the culprit was.

Caster being the obvious, he acted very subtly and made Kirei servant unable to detect the activity going on, only when he removed that barrier hiding his presence was the servant finaly noticed, what conversation took place between the servants was completely unkown to them, though clearly they are likely trying to make an alliance to fight against the other master of the war.

How it would last was something he did not worried about, aware that alliances between master will not last long before the other one betrays them, after all only one winner may claim the grail for themselves and have their wish be fulfilled, Tokiomi found it more amusing that the Einbern one of the three great founding families that have work in the creation of the grail would work with someone unkown to even the moonlit world.

Perhaps they were getting desperate in their quest to recover their true magic; heaven's feel, that had been their goal rather than reaching the root, which isn't surprising to say the least as they fairly obvious in their goals unlike most Magus who although all seek to reach the root or some other wishful goal that couldn't be possibly fulfilled by modern magecrat, have either bright or insidious goals hidden right inside their minds.

He was more worried what the magus killer is truly planning, the man was the bane of all practitioner of magic as he possessed an unkown method to kill and beat magus with modern firearms used by mundane humans, he scoffed at the thought of other magus being killed by such weak and primitive weapons so easily, a huge slap in their pride as a magical practitioner.

Nonetheless he reluctantly had to give some begrudging respect to the man for being able to last this long after the many magus he killed, Kiritsugu would have many enemies that wanted him to be delivered at their doorstep on a silver platter with his head on it, the amount of lives he killed was big and most of those are from old noble lines with a huge amount of influence amassed though generation of work.

Blowing some smoke off his lungs, he turned to look at the phone layed ontop of his desk where Kirei is communicating with him at the moment, the priest being at the church where he busy himself with gathering intel and inform him of any changes or urgent reports he needed to personally know, said man was also busy in listening to the reports that his servant is relaying out on a constant basis.

"Yes, I had made some findings and hadn't come close in finding any historical description that closely resemblance his clothes, it doesn't help that he constantly shroud himself in some type of illusion to hide himself, I'm afraid it would be near impossible to know what legend he come from even just analyzing his accent." Kirei explains as Tokiomi clicked his teeth in frustration at hearing the news.

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