[Chapter 21]

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(3rd POV)

All seemed well... the night was calm and quiet as ever, the stars illuminating ever so lightly as the cold winds blew through the air, creatures of all manner slumbered without any disturbances.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary as the silence only clashed with few and light sounds that are barely audible to hear by anyone, there was no problem whatsoever... everything was at peace.


Until this happened... "Retreat! Retreat! The Spectrals have breach the inner layers!" A feminine voice exclaimed the hint of fear lace in her voice echoed through the speakers spread across the planet.

Structures of various size and shape are burning in flames... scattered across the ruined world as a hundred thousands of ship bombard the planet with zealous vigor that their forces couldn't match.

Lands are upturned and cracked apart, great rifts that reach to the outer layer of the earth splits open, entire oceans vaporized amidst raging storms of fire and destruction that rained from above.

*Boom* *Boom* *Vvmmm* *Kaboom*

Millions die with each seconds passed as the fleet above continued their wave of bombardment uncaring of the lives they claim... this planet alongside one of hundreds of thousands scattered across a galaxy on the precipices of death were constantly being besieged.

Worlds burned without mercy, lives are wasted against the invaders that cleave their souls and cast them into their malignant war machines of eldritch sorcery that slowly but surely shattered their lines.

Reality twist and turns in if itself as the battle escalate further and further to a degree that no one could comprehend it was if a battle of the gods were raging across the cosmos.

The end of days, the day of judgement, the day of wrath, the twilight of the gods all intertwine and coalesce into a universal war that swept through galaxies and stars snuffed with each second passing by with no end in sight.

The onslaught continues as titans walk the land stretching high into the sky that even on the furthest side if worlds they could be seen... trampling on everything they step upon, caring not if the enemy begs or plead for mercy.

Surrender was never an option... death awaited those who had drawn their ire, repentance by annihilation, redemption by destruction, forgiveness by incineration, there was only a single choice.

Die by their hands or die by your hands which would you choose? A choose that resonates in the minds of many as their frontlines collapse with each tick of the grand clock that measured time.

Every action and every choice they make decides their fate, one mistake is all that will need to undo all their sacrifice, the efforts put in vain when they already were.

Fighting a desperate battle... one among many across a multitude of universes, an nigh-endless front that stretched across a nigh-multiversal spanning reality... a finite force fighting against a infinite force who's superiority surpassed theirs since their war began.

They could not be bargained, surrender means death and damnation at their hands... none will spare them, none will grant them mercy... all will burn by their fury.

"Sector seven has fallen, sector ten has been destroyed, sector..." Reports continue to pile across their command, their commanding officers stressing at the continued loss as the enemies draw near.

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