[Interlude II: From A Moth To A Flame]

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(Alexis POV)

One, it was funny to see the reaction of Firemoth and most especially their most esteemed warriors that had stand against the tide that was the Honkai just before my ascension.

Two, they're higher ups are going to be so screwed, reality has been retroactively altered by my presence that the heavy particles of honkai energy was exceeding its previous level.

Not to worry though, there's no terrible disaster or horrible outcome that'll happen, the honkai particles had been altered under my orders after having ascended.

Restoring this world will be simpley, it's no issue for me to deal with the damage that had been wrought upon the planet or the lives that had been taken.

A single thought was all that I need to restore what had been lost, mend what had been broken, shape anew what had  been ruined.

Perks for being an pseudo-omnipotent entity with the only limits being not able to surpass omnipotence, this was basically the peak of my power.

The omniverse I could conquer it whole but that's not what I had in mind, not when I don't really have any interest in ruling the totality of all existence.

Most often many form misconceptions that ascendant beings like me would pursue more and more power, however that is not always the case.

Such cases that involve people desiring to be at the top are often those with the most humane thought, the desire that a human or any species that equally feels as they do.

However those who had achieved on a level that to the point you could achieve anything with few littles restricting you.

The things like desire became less and less, not to say they vanished, they simply couldn't affect or exert the same influence as they had before.

Transcending meant that emotions and feelings became mode than what they redefine by mortal understanding, it is the process of reaching fulfillment and enlightenment.

It by means... meant the end, rather it is simply the gate to the actual path that you have longed to find and from there you'll experience endless wonder across creation.

Inspiration, motivation and a drive that is seemingly undying, it explains much why I'm so nonchalant and content on things which shouldn't normally satisfy others... well those who hadn't reached their enlightenment.


Invoking that name had met me with a look from a familiar old friend who I'm just greeting before we both went off to mind our own business.

Looks like he's off to that Far, Far away galaxy, hopefully he'll deal with the edgelords and space hippies that were now dumber and became less and less of what they originally had choosen to become.

Protectors of the galaxy my foot, they're nothing more than glorified police and peacekeepers by the senate that's much more corrupt and decadent.

An unfortunate fact and one that will be coming to torment them, not when it is a becom for the Heavenly Omen, all wickedness could never be hidden from him.

Good thing he's around to keep things in check, seriously... the omniverse was much more chaotic when he wasn't there and since his arrival... well things had become less Chaotic as in bad that reality are often preyed and screwed on by some random divine moron.

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