A/N: here is the final map update will be shown next chapter, there will be a short summary of what has happened after the great war, hope you all like it.
(3rd POV) (Aftermath of the Great War)Many thought that the end of the Great War in 1916 would usher in a new era of peace and cooperation, restoring back order to the entire world that had been ravished by the great war.
Countless lives were lost, families torn apart from one another, wives lost their husbands, children's never seen their fathers return, all for the sake of petty grievances, a few patches of lands, the desire for greater power or supremacy.
Many had enough, with the signing of the treaty that silence the guns of each nation, everyone momentarily thought that they could finally live in peace again.
The reality however was far worse than many would have expected, across the globe dozens of industry and agriculture were destroyed, cities burnt or in ruins, whole communities left with no home to live in.
Humanity would have lived a decade long depression that would regress and slow the world down from progressing any further up to their next stage, stuck in a state of economic downturn and ideological revolution that would have spill more blood.
This Would have happened had the Great Russian Empire did not launch the most massive restoration project back then, across the globe Russian aid reach every nation leaving no cry for help unanswered wether they may be freind or foe.
Known as "Operation Regenesis" the Great Russian Empire had mobilized it's entire might to restore the ravage world back to it's unravage state before the war had occured.
While this act was not entirely genuine in the eyes of the higher echelons of the Great Russian Empire and used more as a political move to spread the Great Russian Empire influence across the globe and solidify it's position as the 1st undisputed power of earth.
But the genuine concern for other and the desire to help wasn't fake as well, people across the Great Russian Empire rally across streets and plaza pleading for the Tsar to aid their brethren in other nations.
Speak of the Tsar and he shall answer, Tsar Nicholas III was the first to request within his government to proceed with "Operation Regenesis" every man and woman were called upon to assist in the greatest relief made at the time.
This one act alone gained the gratitude and admiration of every nation they had help, from Europe, Asia, Africa, and even America, The Great Russian Empire had gained the world favor and a debt many would one day wish to repay.
People across other nations especially those in France and Britain criticize their government incompetence and corruption, many politial group arose and based themselves to the Great Russian Empire.
Citing how the Russian government had rarely failed to answer their people plea for help or request, proclaiming that their nation had been destined to fail after refusing to change unlike the Great Russia Empire.
Universal Impact
FanfictionDeath wasn't an unfamiliar concept, but no one knows what awaits them after it, ironically I find found myself in said situation after I fell into the void, somehow I ended up becoming one with a higher force from an entire different plane of existe...