[Fate/Providence: Part II]

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A/N: well today's chapter will give you all the chance to see the perspective of the other master before the war begins and some unique moments, anyways that's all and please do enjoy this new chapter of mine.

(Saber POV)

Saber look around to see herself in a all to familiar place, witnessing a sight that she had often remembered as she smiled but then her expression curved to that of a sad look while observing the scene.

"Hyaaah-Oof, Ouch!" The yelp of a young saber who's butt fell flatly onto the dirt of a training ground, a wooden sword fell beside her as she groans and clutches her stomach before curling herself in a ball while slightly wailing at the pain.

Attracting the attention of a few people attention who where present the whole time either doing some work or watching the spar that was going on, which made them stop what they were doing and look at the scene with an amused look on their faces.

"It hurts! Oh the pain it hurts! You fiend how could you be this cruel to me!" She wailed while pointing an accusatory finger from a boy of similar age who looked at her with a deadpan look on his face, his expression and posture speaks as if he had gotten used to this act many times now before.

The people around them either snickered or bemused at the scene as the boy was keenly aware of, he only rolled his eyes at the continued wail of his partner that layed on the ground, Saber flushed slightly at the memory of this particular event, one that's which she cherish yet also embarrassed at what had happened.

"Oh quite with the drama Arty, that ain't gonna work on me just as it had failed to work on me before and please get up that barely qualify as an injury to you." He dryly replied as he crossed his arms and scowled slightly as though remembering something from their previous spars with one another in turn the young saber dramatically cried.

"Truly your cruelty knows no bound that you revel in the pain and suffering of others like a cold tyrant, has thou hearth feel no sympathy that you even enjoy the pain of a child like me." The boy's body cringed and eyebrows twitch at her words as everyone was begining to laugh, with young saber forming a small smirk on her face.

"What cruelty will you yet show to me so that your sadistic desire will be quench?" Heat started to form up over the boy's face as he felt like the many stare before were now aimed at him and this made him slowly feel embarassed, even if he had gotten use to young saber drama, that doesn't mean that he doesn't feel embarassed as other might use this as a joke to tease him.

"shall you not even give even a small aid to this poor toy of yours o'great cruel tyrant that you so coldly thrown away? She mischievously said as the boy in question, stared at her with a flushed and embarrassed look on his face before grumbling as he walks over to her and raised an arm to.



Smacked it onto young Saber head as she yelp and winces at the pain before proceeding to clutching her head which now had a small bump immediately form after it's contact with the boy's fist.

"You know what......your right thou shall know this tyrants cruelty and grant you your despair." A scary smile formed over the boy's face as young saber's eyes dilated at the sight and she knew that she had screw up big time.

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