[Fate/Providence: Part IX]

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A/N: well here's is the new chapter everyone sorry for it being slightly late as their was a blackout in my hometown and made me unable to update till the power return, anyways the meeting of masters of the war and of course some more moments between two ignorant characters your all aware of is here, please enjoy everyone and have a nice day.

(3rd POV)

The streets of Fuyuki were silent amidst the cackling of flames and smoke that continued to cackle and spread through the city, luckily the damage wasn't too much as most areas that were caught in the fight hours ago east abandoned or empty, leading to no signs of casualty or injuries on the residents of the city aside from the damages and injured that servants and master had received.

Kiritsuga was no exception, if the black eye he had on his left eye was anything to go by, added with the grumpy look he had been having since the aftermath of the attack made his face look to comical if outright hilarious, which further had made his mood terrible, especially when it was pointed out by his own wife much to his own horror as he knew what she will do with the pictures she had of his face.

With most of their ride damaged and in need of repair, Artoria and Irisviel are forced to take the simplest way to head over to the meeting place that the overseer had mentioned in his letters to everyone regarding the battle that had occured this evening, by walking which would have taken them awhile to arrive at the meeting place.Luckily she was quite fast and with her newfound boost in parameters they manage to reach the Fuyuki streets in minutes.

Slowing down when Kiritsuga deemed them close enough and not to rush their hastily as they might encounter the spectres that seemingly vanished after Artoria defeated Tenebris, they bursted into flames as Kiritsuga claimed which made Artoria remember that the same thing happened to Tenebris when she regained her consciousness enough to interact one last time with her before being fully burned and turn into ashes.

Artoria walked with great vigilance as she surveys her surrounding, while they cross through the relatively unharmed road that leads to the church, plumes of smoke still spreading even after many hours had passed since the unexpected attack by an outside force that had forced every master in the war to call for a truce.

Though it doesn't mean that she and her master should be relieved as only a full would do so without knowing that the other master will still try to take advantage of one another even if a truce had been called, the same could be in the other masters thought as they continued to walk through the silent streets of Fuyuki.

The atmosphere made it all the more tense as the message left behind by the woman she had fought still lingers in her mind, Artoria had seen first hand at Tenebris was capable of even if she had lost consciousness and didn't remebered what happened after the battle, which made it dubious and had her worried of what actually occurred.

All she knows was that her sword was the cause of it, she felt as if something had taken control of her at that desperate moment and did something unimaginable that she manage to beat the madwoman indirectly as she knew that it wasn't her who truly defeated the Tenebris but something else.

The change in her armor made that all the more obvious, she could feel a strange yet vast aura that emanated over her body, eerie yet soothing voices that whispered to her ears, if Artoria hadn't experienced strange things back in her childhood she might have thought that she went insane or mad by whatever sorcery Tenebris had left on her.

Yet she feels that Tenebris wouldn't do such a thing, it as if her was soul trying to tell her, Artoria can't really deny this feeling when it resonates with her soul, gabbling to trust this feeling, despite how irrational it may look on a Logical standpoint, but she knew better than to ignore what feels, after all she didn't survive many battles without also knowing when to sense if something is off or not.

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