Chapter 11

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A/N: update will become slower due to me preparing for the new school year, so expect for to update this story from sometimes a week or two, depending on whether I'll have enough time. But anyway, please enjoy the new and have a nice day everyone.

[Word Count: 10,458]


(3rd POV) (Alnus Hill)


The sound of knocking was heard by the Lieutenant General, he stop whatever he was doing and then turns his head upwards to look at the door, wondering who it was before asking.

"Who is it?" The door opened soon after he asked and the one who came in was 1st lieutenant Yanagida, carrying several report file on his left hand.

"Sorry to disturb you sir but reports from the taskforce sent out this morning had return with urgent news you need to see." Yanagida answers as he walks over to the front of the Genetal desk, handing the files to the general.

"Oh, Is that so? Then let me have a look." He says and just before he takes the files over Yanagida spoke something to him with a grave look etched upon his face as though he had saw something terrifying and almost unbelievable to look at.

"Before you read it sir, I would like to remind you that the reports may sound unbelievable but it is really and had been confirmed by our intelligence officers." He warns as the general raise his eyebrows a bit before nodding as he took the files and look at it.

"Hmm.... what could worry you so much lieutenant? Surely it's not that really bad if they mannage to return alive and relatively intact." The general says before opening the file and started reading its contents.

As he reads through the content of the report his previously calm and neutral expression suddenly started to morph into that of a surprise, then shock and lastly disbelieving look after he had read the entire report.

"Impossible! Are you sure their report was correct?!" Came the mixed shock and disbelieving expression from the head of the japanese special region forces situated at Alnus Hill, Lieutenant General Hazama, who was currently trying to understand the news drop onto him by one of his officers.

"The reports seemed unbelievable, but the evidence brought by Itami and his team had proven it true, sir." Yanagida explains as he takes out a familiar device from his pocket and hands it over to the general itself.

"Infact it would be best if you see it with your own eyes." He says before the hololink activated and began to project multiple screen with varying contents, the general look at it in shock as he raises his hand at the screen and touch it, the sound of a Male voice was heard from the screen as it spoke.

"Welcome come to the Stellar Archive, here is where you will find the historic contents of every nation member the UNSC from both its founding to it's current time, would you like to hear the history of any nation you wish to know? Just request which one and it'll be directly played for you." The hololink says before going silent as the general was left again surprise.

"Lieutenant what is this?" The general asked as he points at the hololink whilr looking at Yanagida postion who fixes the position of his glasses before answering the general question.

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