[Fate/Providence: Part XVIII]

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(3rd POV)

"Again..." Alexis muttered as was beset by another vision, a distant memory of someone else that was not his, confuse as he was... the curiosity running through his piqued his interest to watch this new set of memory wanting to know what scene he will be witnessing.

*Memory Flashback*

Sounds of blades clashing and colliding with steel and flesh, across a wide valley, the sounds of men shouting as the earth rumbled evee so slightly at their action, with the skies having darkened above.

Sounds of thunder rumbling through the sky as it echoed, brief flashes of light are seen as lightning crackled amidst the raging battle across the field spilled in blood and corpses of both sides fighting.

It was absolute chaos everywhere as the knights trade blows after blows with one another, one falls for each sides as the minutes passed by, fire burned across the wide valley that the sides where fighting.

Not far away was a castle being best by the knights with the emblem of a Britain's flagged as the besiege the last stronghold of Vortigern the tyrannical uncle and usurper of Artoria pendragon.

Two years had passed since Artoria had pulled Caliburn from the stone, announcing her heritage and as rightful heir to the throne of Britain, many sided with her against her tyrannical uncle.

Long had they'd waited for the promised king that Merlin had prophesied all those years ago... now Artoria stands as a mature yet imposing leader all the while her gender was kept hidden from the public.

Knowing that women's status in an era like this wasn't viewed highly amongst the aristocracy, it had always been expected that a male would be assuming the throne not a woman, Morgan was no different despite being loved by many.

She still won't be accepted as the ruler of the kingdom, regardless of her actions and feat, such is the rule and belief of the era of old, when humanity has yet to move pass the mysticism of the old eras.

Thus Artoria was forced to hide her own identity as a woman, then again she had always assumed as a Male since she was but a young child, when Hector had taken her under his care for many years, making her clueless to feminine lifestyle.

That is until she had met her childhood friend and secret lover when she was just six years old, their relationship had stayed hidden even to those they trusted for only a few knew of their relationship and swore not to speak it to anyone else.

Now here they are... fighting alongside one another against her uncle, alongside her were her knights of ghe round table who were ignorant of her true gender and relationship only having gained their allegiance in the past two years yet she hasn't fully trusted them.

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