[Chapter 24]

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(3rd POV)

"Something wrong dear?" Artoria asks her husband as the latter was standing outside their home manor located on Hawaii, the place having been refurbished and change over the years that had passed.

It was a veritable manor holding what is essentially a mixture of victorian neo-greek theme that he had refined in the years since he got reunited with two of his wives.

Hawaii had been the place where they had settled into after having the kids and letting them grow up, sure they all live on their own now, but he preferred to keep the memories of when they were still young.

Besides their home in Hawaii had a lot of sentimental value that he and his wives cherished much, not to mention it would be the home of the new child that Artoria was having.

Yes, the latter had been wanting for another child which would be Artoria's 5th child, Asteria on the other hand was satisfied with the kids that they have which was three.

Mordred was an exception considering she had been summoned from the throne of heroes, cutting her connection to it, Alexis has no reside to let his daughter be force into an eternal war across the cosmos.

Thus ended the tale of Mordred at least there Mordred, considering the latter had become Queen instead of rebelling in their old world and then launch an invasion of Europe at the age of thirty.

Building up an army that conquered much of northern France and what will later became known as Prussia, Norway, Sweden and the Baltic nations, forming her own empire in the north.

Altering the course of history since she clashed with the divided Eastern and Western Roman Empire.

The latter was the more unfortunate since she had expanded further south, conquering what would later be known as Spain, Portugal, France and Germany.

Surprisingly enough she had managed to give an heir... albeit with the help of Merlin considering she didnt found anyone fitting enough to be her consort which was mostly due to her more tomboyish attitude that she hadn't even married any man or woman.

In their world the Kingdom of Britain transformed into the Empire of Britan in a matter of 48 years after Artoria had laid down her crown to Mordred.

Ironically America had also been discovered at that time though Mordred didnt colonize the land until her grandson did and took over Canada and parts of the north eastern coast.

Since... history was overturned because of his existence there before dying, it is a branching timeline that can't truly be cutoff from the rest.

Becoming a universe of its own and not to mention it's own crazy history after Mordred and Artoria died... Britain had essentially conquered northern Europe and upper eastern Europe all the way to Siberia because they want to expand.

Opposing them was a surviving Eastern Roman Empire or Byzantine Empire that swallowed much of the remains of Europe yet conquered by Britain, most of North Africa 2/3 of the middle east, and 1/3 of Northwestern India.

It was a crazy world that diverged and had it's own history, Britain like any empire fell only to be reunited again at the height of their golden age where they rule much of Europe and North America.

But he isn't concerned of what became of their old world, their time had passed and it was the new generation that are tasked to face the new challenges that lies ahead of their own ancestors legacy.

Empires rise and fell, Britain had reach a golden height its obvious that it would fall one day, only to rise again but until then, they live prosperity while standing against their common enemy.

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