Chapter 12

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A/N: manage to had sometime to make this chapter, hope you all enjoy it.

[Word Count: 10,612]

(3rd POV) (Awhile Ago]

"Retreat!" Signaled by a man riding on a horse as the diminish army that was attacking the city quickly move away from the walls as they started to run and try to regroup back to there base where they would try to find out on how to breach the walls of Italics again.

Pina stood silently towards the fleeing army as she gave them a narrowed look on her face, wondering what they are going to do next before turning around to look at her soldiers who were dispatching the remaining bandits on the walls as she remained silent.

"That's the last of the bandits, princess." Hamilton says as she lightly flick her sword to throw of most of the blood that was hanging on her blade as it fall off to the bloodstained ground filled with several corpses of bandits and a few defenders of the city that had perish during the late night raid they had to fight off.

It was exhausting for her and everyone else that had fought during the raid, few have much less the energy to even move that much after expending that much energy to fight off the attackers, this was evident as she looks at the many people around her that are trying to catch there brought or have some well deserved rest.

She could even feel the bones and muscles of her body aching from the amount of work she had made, even a knight like her had some limits, fighting an entire small army half the entire night is no simple feat for a even a well trained and healthy strong female like her.

But she and the other persevere to not less the city fall from enemy hands much less the rumored otherworlders that had taken both the imperial armies sent there and wiped off most of the vassal armies with very few even able to survive the enemies counterattack.

She shuddered to imagine just how terrifying the otherworlders are, if even the highly praised imperial army who thought to be invincible and it's vassals nations army to be quickly defeated without even much having the chance to strike the enemy on equal ground.

Wiping the sweat on her forehead she looks over to the princess who looks no worse than her situation with a slightly disheveled hair and bruises found in many parts of her face and body from all the fighting with very little scars that damaged her skin.

She was slightly bending downwards, using her sword as a support to prevent her from falling into the city walls, as she also tried to catch her breath, lots of sweat were dripping off from her face, neck and arms as she breathed heavily.

Pina armor looks like it never got fixed or clean off for an entire months after coming out of a war rather than being in a raid that exceeded the number of forces that defended the city from the night raid that occured late night hour.

"Are the others alright Hamilton?" Pina asked as she straighten herself up from her position as she wipes her sweat off and looks below the city wall behind her, she sees many of the volunteers who have all volunteered in defending the city to be very exhausted.

There poorly worn leather armor and clothes had some damages that showed scars and bruises with blood dripping down on several parts of there wounded bodies that varied, some are minor others are majorly injured but not enough to threaten there life.

Just enough to take them out of the fight for awhile as they would need to be healed and recover from the injuries that they have received, with very few mages to act as healers they would be needing some time to recover, time they don't have if the bad feeling she is sensing is right.

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