[Chapter 19]

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(3rd POV)

"Well what do you know... the Light of Aurora." Ivan remarked as he and Hayato stared into the sky the song of a grand orchestra echoing across space that it brought joy with each hym that's played by the Light of Aurora.

"Damn... I never though that it would've reach this place... perhaps the breached that the gates caused had allowed the Light of Aurora to spill into this universe." Hayato remarked as he could tell that the others are watching as well.

Or rather the one singing with the Light of Aurora being the effect of such a song... yet who could create such a song?" Well there's only one person who would more than willingly sing for others to hear.

Though this was more personal, Alexis manipulated various phenomenon across his creation the multiverses that make up his existence of which he was, will, is and not.

Playing each hym with careful touch it's complexity could not be underestimated especially when he had prepared this every 25 years since the birth of his firstborns children's that his two wife had given to him many years ago.

What joy could a father have to gift his children with something... grand, spectacular, wondrous a mark that had birthed a new era... an era of which his children's were born.

An era where a Primordial being such as him hain scions to his legacy and one that would no doubt last till the ends of all creation... thus he made the most complexes instrumental music he could make.

One he had put his entire attention the moment his children's were born the sheer force that was put into the creation of such orchestra was nothing to laugh at... especially when he is using relics, forces, etc. That would be sought by others and ascend them to a height that is unimaginable.

To him they are but instruments for his children... items to entertain and protect them from danger when he  isn't present to protect and watch over them as he used to when they were but tiny little buds learning to walk like any normal children.

A remembrance of the past, a memory of a time that was and had been before the present is now... Alexis played the instruments but who would be the ones to sing the song you might ask?

Artoria and Asteria to identical beings... yet their past diverged from one another... one who is a king who realized her mistake and sought to fulfill what had been promised when she lost that which was precious to her.

In the end she still felt great regret and had wish to change the past if only to semace what she had lost and so she formed a contract with the Will of the Collective Unconsciousness of mankind and in doing so... she fought in a distant future.

A future in which she had reclaims the one she had lost all those centuries ago, regrets were mended and promised were finally fulfilled... a king knew now of rest at the hands of the one which she had love.

The other... a king who fell into despair, rage, fury, hatred one who swept a world under her tyrannical regime and reshaped it under her image as she had sought to rectify the mistakes of man.

And in doing so she became a Beast, an enemy of man... fought against people who wished to save the future from her madness at the lost of her beloved.

She forsaken her humanity and sought to reclaim what once was her... in doing so she jeopardize the future of mankind yet she cared not of the responsibility of her kingship, of her kingdom and of her people.

The british isle had been swept in a tide of all-consuming hatred... the grail held no pair capable of bringing what she had lost thus she sought to harvest other worlds to fuel the grail to reclaim what she had lost.

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