[Fate/Providence: Part XII]

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A/N: This will showcase the start of the second battle and the banquet bejng held, i hope everyone enjoy its.
(3rd Person)

"We will only have a few minutes more before nightime." Da Vinci muttered as she stared at the clock, every second of it causes her and everyone else to tense in anticipation of the next force that will attack them tonight, their base was enchanted with enough defenses that it would make it a fortress that no magus would be able to breach.

However this is merely a way to delay their enemies and buy them time before Artoria could defeat then, given that the first one was already an impossible opponent to defeat by even a servant, the only method that can defeat them was an equal or greater force beyond the reach of humanity.

As great Chaldea is and its forces to be able to defeat many entities threatening to destroy the world they're at least familiar with those kind of enemies, but an unkown enemy that is not part of Gaia is much more difficult to defeat, let alone these divine apostles who wields powers that are familiar yet so alien to them it's impossible to even label them as a normal concept of gaia.

"Are all preparations complete now, Da Vinci?" El-Melloi II asked as he walked into the room, his movements were a bit tense with few beads of sweat pouring down from his forehead despite the already cold conditions of the atmosphere.

"Yes, we have fortified our position as much as we can, though I doubt it'll be enough to withstand against whatever we are up against." Ds Vinci replied as she look at the last master of Chaldea alongside his partner Mashu who was wearing her armor, though one could notice the small crack on her shield.

It was a testament to just how powerful their previous opponent was and despite having been defeated by Artoria, Tenebris own power still linger through, Mashu shield which hasn't yet recovered from being pierce during the previous night battle, taking more time to regenerate due to the powerful curse casted upon her shield.

It also become a taxing effort to recover the shield pristine form for Mashu and Ritsuka as the amount if mana being drained from them was immense, they had to take rest every hour just so they dont drain themselves while Mashu try to recover from her wound and damage inflicted upon her shield.

"Doesn't matter we only need to last as long as possible so that Artoria could defeat the second apostle, she's by far the worse among all three of [YHWH] apostles, were fairly lucky only three are present, should all 14 descended to earth the apocalypse would have begun by now." El-Melloi II replied while shuddering at recalling the memories.

The 14 apostle was written on the bible to represent the fury of God when he announce the day of judgment, though only a few thousand of individuals knew this because the apostles names are spread on various pages of the bible and only the keenest of eyes can notice the clues or words hidden on the book.

It was a common knowledge among the moonlit world, none not believing it when just several decades ago one of the apostle descended right before the 2nd world war, the apostle appearance brought death and silence to wherever he/she goes, Germany was torned apart into various state, while Japan had nearly sunk to the bottom of the ocean.

The Soviet Union had their entire leader and upper echelon massacred and the monarchy being reinstated, the surprising thing was the Romanov family was alive and not dead, Nicholas initiated a massive reform that turned the nation into a superpower that rivals the US but at least have friendly terms.

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