Chapter 6

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A/N: Current update on the world map.

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(3rd POV)

The advent of the 20th century came with new era of conflict brewing since the end of the Napoleonic War and the start of what is known as the "Arms Race" a name fitting enough as nation across Europe, America, etc. had begun to comepete with one another to who can build better technology and weapons to surpass their rivals.

Russia was the leading technologically advance nation having much more greater experience and knowledge in the use of most technology compared to other nation who are still trying to get use to the new era of technology they are now using.

Russia became the center of the worlds economy as their vast industry and agriculture is heavily relied by most nation due to their vast biomes which allowed all sorts it exotic resources to be found and used.

It's dozens od social reforms that makes it far ahead of its other imperial rivals have prevented any extreme ideologies to root itself deep within the motherland and even if some group with dangeroys ideologies does manage to settle itself within Russia.

They would find themselves under the watchful eye of the KGB and HLS who are tasked to keep an eye on the internal affairs of the nation from any foreigners settling in.

Ensuring that they eliminate or prevent any crazy revolution or terrorist organization could form or integrate itself within society before it could be too late to root them out.

After the colonization of Africa and the subsequent uplift of the natives, Russia had kept its policy of not interfering in other affairs unless force to.

Working with other nations so long as it benefits them and leaves them neutral from any sort of conflict should it occur, Russia focused on assisting it's young ally the Republic Of Oman in advancing and terraforming most of their lands to properly become fertile.

Oil was discovered during the modernization program, it help Oman economy as most nations rely on highly refined Oil due to the small amount of Siberium found in their lands.

Most didn't want to be reliant on the Russian Empire as it might become a weakness that would be used by said nation to it's advantage should they be force or decided to start a conflict with it's enemies.

Oman gain a large monopoly that's 2nd to the Russia Empire in terms of Siberium Refined Oil production, 650 million Barrels of oil each day compared to Russia 1,250 Million barrels of oil being produce each day.

It came not a surprise to most nation on seeing large oil tank airships everyday carrying the flag of the Republic Of Oman whenever they arrive at their port since it became the normality after it's own birth 3 decades ago.

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