[Fate/Providence: Part VIII]

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A/N: and here is the new chapter which you all have been waiting for, showing various master who got attacked by the shadows/spawns of Tenebris with varying results but anyway I hope you all enjoy.


(3rd POV)

*Boom* *Boom* *Clang*

Explosions rang through the temporary base of Chaldea, it's foundation not lasting long as large sections of their base was sliced and torn into pieces, the boundary field protecting the base was proven useless against the force that had breached through all of their defenses like a simple hot knife slicing right through butter.

Lord El Melloi II could be seen fighting for his life against a ghostly black spectre with a large size gleaming in red, reality around them being consumed by a sea of darkness slowly creeping out from beyond the cracks of broken reality, tendrils of mismatched shape and size opening more and more gates from whatever cesspit of a place it had come from.

"O fucking root damnit!" El-Melloi II curses out as he fires another spell at the spectere, he hadn't expected that the new night would bring about a new enemy that he hadn't even encountered during the original grail war, which is a much worser scenario to be in, the most troubling of all qas the sheer force of power being projected by the damn accursed spectere that he was fighting.

It was like Goetia all over again but on a much worser scale, if Beast I was a pan-human threat that spans across all timelines of the universe, then the one they're fighting was a grand cosmic ending threat, he could feel the concept that are so utterly alien yet familiar to him that the being was manipulating, a manifestation of it's authority was the creeping darkness and the various sorts of horrid energy spreading everywhere.

He could feel all of the prana across the planet being consumed and dwindling at an insane rate, the effectiveness of his magecraft degrading as seconds pass by, he can't even use the same attack twice as once he uses it, then the damn thing becomes immune to it, the spectre was toying at them at this point.

In fact it didn't made any effort to hide it from them, mocking them at their futility to fight against it, but damn hell was he hoinh to give up so easily and die by it's cold hands, El-Melloi was very lucky that he had a lot of magecraft to use otherwise he would be dead by now, firing another spell that didn't do much but just furthered the immunity of the damn thing against his attacks.

"Hehehehehahaha!" Laughter echoing from it's nonexistent mouth, it's face was purely blank aside from the pair of eyes that glowed menacingly, which works as even just looking at it was making him feel nauseous and mind feeling the biggest headache he had ever felt, the effects only last so long as they stare at it's eyes, which is easier said than done as the things as making sure they look at it's eyes.

"Da Vinci how long till you can get us out of here?!" He shouts back at the several meters away, currently trying to prepare a device that would help them escape the nightmare they were in, said woman was working with beads of sweat dripping for her forehead, it didn't take a genius like her to know if a situation is truly dire or not as she was trying her best to finish the device.

"This is fun, let's play more mister!" It cheerfully declared which just made El-Melloi II scared deeply inside, luckily he was able to not show it, though the way his body shakes and trembles ever so slightly can make anyone with keen eyes can tell that he's absolutely scared.

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