Chapter 14

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A/N: lately I had gotten an idea for a new story. One that has much shorter words for each chapter compared to this one, though it's more of a little side project as I am still focusing most of my mind on this story but I'd like to ask you all for your opinions if it's a good idea or not and I should just focus on the current story for now.

Prototype Summary(might change it in the future):

Plagues, wars, disasters, racial tensions and so on are one of the many fine recipe of disaster that most denizens of many worlds have gotten used to, but add in a fusion between a primordial lovecraftian eldritch god and a scientifically hyper advance self-replicating warmachine and you get a spectacularly apocalyptic recipe of the maddening insanity that is about to go down right off of everyone's life.............or in much simpler terms shits is about to go down so hard on them and everyone in it is going to be caught between there pants down and none the wiser of what they're going to be dealing with.

So basically the story is about a hyper advance lovecraftian self-replicating god machine traveling from one world to another trying to fight and survive in each world and it's encounter with the denizens of the places it goes, will it be a harem story? No, I decides to take a different route than usual. Will there be lots of chaos? Yes and with little to no order in most cases so yeah words and diplomacy are mostly out in most part of the story, guns shall go blazing and lots of blood are for the most part present in the story that I might create.

Anyway what you all think? Does it sound good and should I start writing it or will I just set it aside for now and focus on my current story.


Leave your comments here while I rest my head from school and the amount of work I did for this current chapter, for as much as enjoyable it is to make this is equally sometimes headache inducing for me at times, anyways enough of my babbling, I hope you all enjoy today's chapter.

[Word Count: 10,790]

(3rd POV)

"So let me get this straight Itami just let himself be captured by what's more than likely an uninformed group of knights that belonged to the princess and have you all escape even though you all could have easily knocked them out to escape and now he's back stuck at Italica still alive but likely injured by the encounter and currently in there with the princess likely equally terrified and worried as you guys?" Felix asked as Soichiro nodded in confirmation.

Alongside the two where the other members of Itami group then Lelei, Rory, Valerie, Emilia, Hayato and Daniel who where sent out to assist the group in saving and to make sure to clear the misunderstanding no doubt caused by the unintentional hostage of Itama by Pina lately informed subordinates, they all stood over inside an airship that was hovering over Italica, cloaked to not be noticed and alarm the denizens again.

Mikhail as happy he want to assist them was called back to the main base alongside Ivan for a meeting with some high ranking officals about the diplomatic mission that they'll have in 3 days according to Mikhail own words, Baltazar was left in charge of their base alongside the other 2 new officials until his return all the while keeping the current problem in secret to not cause anymore problem, worries or delay for the higher ups not that they need to completely know of it in the first place.

"Wow, never expected the guy to be that unlucky to get himself be beaten up by several woman of all things for a misunderstanding that may or may not caused the princess a major crisis in her mind right now." Felix added with face not far from bursting to laughter as he fails slightly to act calm in the current situation between the snickers he let's out every few seconds.

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