[Fate/Providence: Part XIII]

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A/N: The chapter will mostly focus on the other masters and Chaldeas perspective and the chaos they are experiencing as they fell into the rift.
(3rd POV)

"Aaaah!" Waver screamed even as they continue to fell down into the rift, it had been a few seconds since they'd got sucked into it, entering what can only be a nightmarish realm where everything is a dark reflection of the real world, twisted landscapes that goes in various direction that doesn't make any sense, structures and vehicles are mixed and fused together in weird ways.

And being stuck in an endless space of non-euclidean reality where everything does not make any sense at all, the endless kaleidoscopic colors that shifts every instances that be looks, chaotic storms of flame, sea of blood, scorching earths, and other eldritch landscapes can be seen by their naked eyes and by mean they he means him and Iskandar.

"Dont waste your brat, boy it'll not help you while were stuck in here." Iskandar says as he steered his chariot through the endless maze of horrors, did he forgot to mention that they're not alone, well no he did, Waver stared at the various creatures that littered the entire area of space they where in.

Living up to their reputation to look like lovecraftian horrors, the mismatched features and many limbs and organs he doesnt want to know make up the creatures that are staring at them with a predatory gaze, like seeing a prey for them to hunt down, Waver shivered as he hides himself under the safeties of Iskandar chariot.

"At least they aren't as invincible as the one's we have fought the previous night." Iskandar added as he sliced several abomination with his swords, decapitating some of them as they fell limp, yet thousands still come to charge at them, the place truly deserve to be called as hell just for housing creatures and landscapes of eldritch appearance.

*demonic screeching*

The foul houls of the creature as they roared, gives no relief to Waver even if they are not as terrible as the first enemies they had fought against, these one's can be killed and die without having to return, problem is they are just to many and some of which are as big as skyscrapers, which is matched by an insane durability that can withstand a peak servants relentless attacks.

"Don't jinx it Iskandar the last thing we need is them gaining immunity to anything you throw at them! Where the hell are the others anyway?" Waver remarks and asked at the end, wondering where the other masters and servants are after they had been pulled into the rift by that crazy entity, not to mention the creepy songs she is making that had spooked him so badly.

"Likely we may have been seperated on purpose, the place is a maze and I'll be not surprise of the meaning of time and space doesn't matter in this realm." Iskandar replied, eyes narrowing as he observed the area around them, being a servant has it's perk after all and being a genius of his time even outside of combat and having some experience in seeing supernatural phenomenons in his life.

Iskandar can tell that the place they've been put in was unnatural and far beyond the common logic of man, science doesn't matter in a realm like the one's they're in, he could sense the flow of time and the presence of space to be near nonexistent, how they are still alive is a intriguing mystery even for him but he doesnt really have much time in being able to think about it.

"Are you saying that any direction we go will be random and we might step to a situation that can either be safe or dangerous enough to kill us at any moment?" Waver asked with an agitated look, Iskandar can understand the fear in the young man but he knew the boy will have to overcome that sooner or later as any aspiring warrior, philosopher, mage or whatever path a person would make.

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