Chapter 1

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A/N: The history of the 17th-21st century has been greatly altered, so expect events that are entirely different from the real world that we all know.


(3rd POV)

Upon the arrival of the 17th century, Europe was overturn in shock by the defeat of several major powers n central and eastern Europe by a new player that has long been ignored.

The previously known Tsardom Of Russia now named the Russian Empire long thought to had been a backward and technologically inferior power has suddenly risen as the new dominant power of Eastern Europe.

Utterly defeating and pushing the Ottoman Empire all back to Turkey, Nearly destroying the Swedish Empire, beating both the minor Prussian Kingdom and Austro-Hungarian Empire led Holy Roman Empire, and the total annihilation of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Cementing itself as a new major player that rivals the combined might of France, Britain, and Spain all together, how did this happen? Well let's return back to how it all began.

Led by Tsar Ivanov 50 years ago, the Russian empire embark on a massive expansion towards central Asia while initiating a rapid industrialization of the nation.

A campaign that lasted for a decade until all Khanates surrendered and had submitted to Russian rule, negotiations where made between the Qing dynasty at the time.

When the Chinese Empire worried they would be invaded, delegates between the nations met one another and come to negotiate with one another to solve this problem.

It tooks a few weeks before they foke an agreement that central Asia is part of Russia now so long as they do not step any further to Chinese territory and several agreement that both side had agreed upon.

After the end of the campaign, began to make plans to colonize the fertile land which had been secretly terrformed by Alexis.

While he also increasing the resources of the Russian empire in its land by twelve time it originally had, recreated 80 extinct animals and made 7500 types of exotics plants and trees that can grow even in the harshest lands of the north and south pole, the vast dessert of the middle east, and so on.

Heck. The plants could even survive a nuclear wasteland or death worlds of the warhammer universe, added with the immense growth and hidden terraforming ability of some plants.

Russia would become self sufficient in terms of food and most resources compared to most of the world in the future.

The Tsar initiated a massive reform on its education, agriculture, industry, military and so on, while most of Europe at the time where distracted by various war and conflicts.

The Russian Empire used that opportunity to grow in size and number from a few million to a size of over 65 million in past 50 years.

Thanks to advancement in medical technology, courtesy of Alexis injecting knowledge to various groups of people he deemed fit for the job to uplift the nation.

During the reforms there was some resistance from nobility who feared the lost of their power and tried to initiate a coup.

Unfortunately they ended up all meeting various tragic death for one reason or another, which would create many ridiculous conspiracy theories in the future, though it wouldn't leave any negative effects nor bring any major effects to the empire.

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