[Chapter 25]

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(3rd POV)

"I-I... have come h-here in seeking t-to resolve the mistake we h-have made for rudely invading your lands... so we seek to ask for p-peace." Pina nervously asked towards the gods before her.

Bozes could barely function as she was being gazed down by several of the divine beings, she had never imagined that the land they had invaded had gods.

Gods that could physically manifest and walk amongst their people, it explained the strength, the power, the technology that they wielded.

If the gods could walked amongs them, then it explains why humanity of this world are equal to that of an apostle, beings who could slaughter armies with ease.

Pina realized that her nation had made a grievous mistake... no it is more of a sacrilege and a sin to invade the lands of other gods...foreign they may be.

They are still gods and being capable of manifesting so casually in the physical world? That's a whole new level that not even she had seen the gods that her people worshipped has ever performed.

Not even once... they never once able to manifest themselves upon the physical world of they did so... then they would've been the true rulers of Falmart... not her father nor her family.

Pina trembled at the presence of actual gods that stood before her... their gaze unfathomable to her as each one veiled by strange distortions that made them seemingly incomprehensible.

She could neither have the faintest of idea what to describe them, they all look different and unique, beyond what should he possible.

No words could describe them only that they were beyond what her mind could perceive... her words were shallow and useless to them, she had thought she would face the leaders of the UNSC, yet she did.

Although... not in the way she'd expect, she had thought of beings similar to her or at least powerful mortals not actual gods who could bend and warp the fabric of reality by their mere presence.

Now she is seeking peace? Why would that matter to them? They are gods and by their will they Decided the fate of those that so much had slighted or even insulted them.

It was in there right to judge her people for their crimes if invading a scared land ruled by gods... she knew that the gates opening hold risk and that whatever lies behind held great danger.

But she didnt fathom that it could be this dangerous... now all she could do is hope, hope that these gods would spare her and her people less they experience the wrath of divines beings.

She doubts her gods could help, compared to them the ones she is facing were more numerous and are far greater in strength than what the gods that she had known.

The fact they had servants the numbers in the billions all of which are apostles is a testament to the power they held if they could casually bless that many... what hope does anyone have against the fury these gods... would bring upon them.

"Peace you say." The room reverberate under the overwhelming voice that came from Asteria her words held so much power to sway reality to her as he pleases.

"Quite bold for you to say that... but as you seek forgiveness upon her majesty... perhaps we could end the violence soon." The Fool remarked the others murmured to one another.

"Peace she say? I highly doubt her majesty would allow it... not after they've invaded at the worst time, running her majesty and his eminence sacred bond months ago." One whispers.

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